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Read Taken in by Logan Henderson first, so you can understand this book cause this story will pick up right where that book left off at and that is where Logan and Erin is taking one of the babies to the hospital to get checked out cause she can't keep crying

Last time on Taken in by Logan Henderson (the first book of this story)

"It sounds like that little one has a set of lungs on her" Kendall says to Logan as he sees his friend try to soothe the upset baby that he had in his arms cause she was quite unhappy right now and she wanted to tell mommy and daddy what was really bugging her, and take care of it for her

'She does and she hasn't quit crying for twenty minutes" Logan says as he thinks of what he has done to get her to calm down cause when he puts her down she cries louder

"We haven't figured out what is going on with her at all cause we had tried everything that we could to get her to stop crying, and nothing had worked to get her to settle down" Logan says as he goes back to what he was doing before to see if anything works with her so she calms down and goes to sleep on her own

"We are about the end of our rope with her we are still remaining calm as we try to get her to go back to sleep" Erin says to Kendall as she remains calm for the baby

"Well you guys better go to the emergency room with her to see what is going on with her for real to see if there is anything major wrong with her if she hasn't stopped crying for that long, and she doesn't like to be put down at all" Kendall says to Logan

'Logie we better go to the hospital to see what is going on with her cause she hasn't stop crying at all, and I want to get her checked out to see what is going on with her cause something might be majorly wrong with her and we don't know it" Erin says to Logan a little concerned about the baby since she was still upset as could be right now and it was breaking Erin's heart to see one of her babies not feeling the best at all and she couldn't do anything about it to help the baby feel better, and see what was bugging them cause Logan burped her and she let out some gas bubbles and that didn't help at all with the baby cause she was still crying her little eyes out

"Yeah we should and you drive cause I am going to hold her the whole way to the hospital cause I am pretty sure she won't like to go into her car seat" Logan says as he gives her the keys to the car so they could head to the hospital to get the baby checked out to see what was going on with her completely cause something could be seriously wrong with her

"It's best if you drive and I'll hold her the whole way to the hospital" Erin says to him

"No you drive cause she is too attached to me right now, and she isn't letting me go for nothing" Logan says as he gets a blanket and covers the baby so she doesn't get sick at all as they head to the hospital to get her checked out to see what is going on with her

V & C

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