The End is the beginning

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I drove Amy's car back to Patrick's house. The drive seemed to take forever but once I got there I just sat in the car for a while. He wasn't going to believe any of this, I didn't even believe it. I looked at my new hands with chipped off blue fingernail polish on them. I still felt guilty inside my best friends body but I couldn't change that now. How could I even begin to tell all of this to Patrick?
I looked at his house again and I just wanted to run. I knew I couldn't do that to him. If he thinks I'm crazy I'll just leave, I told myself. Something pushed me from inside my new body to get out of the car. "Just don't think about it, what happens happens."  I told myself. I slowly began to get out of the car and I felt all of these feelings I haven't felt in what felt like a long time, my heart raced, my hands began to sweat, and my body began to heat.

I reached his door and hesitated before I knocked, but once again something made me knock. I did a few times and just waited, and waited, and waited. He didn't come to the door. I was about to turn around when the door opened and a confused Patrick answered.

"Amy? What-how did-" he began full of questions.

"It's not what you think." I said the first thing I could think of hearing this voice I wasn't use to yet.

"What am I supposed to think?" He asked still in confusion.

"I'm not who you think I am." I finally said.

"Okay?" He said. I sighed a little bit.

"I don't know how to say this exactly, I don't even believe it." I said with him just staring at me. "It's me, Kat."  He gave me a weird look the looked around the neighborhood to see if anyone was witnessing this weird conversation.

"Is this some kind of a sick joke?" He asked and I was sure he was about to slam the door on me any second.

"No I swear. Ummm... the note, we fell asleep last night together... uhh you eat cereal every morning." I said.

"Come in." He said and let me in.

"I don't believe this..." she shook his head but he didn't say it in a mad way. "tell me more, that only you would know."

"After you visited where I died you said you were sorry in your car. Even though you couldn't hear me then I told you it wasn't your fault. you cut your foot on a piece of glass from a light I knocked over and your friend Pete took you to the hospital. The song on your CD player, "Of All The Gin Joints In All The World" Was playing when I died in my car when I died and every time I turned your cd player on it always played.

"What happened? Why are you in Amy's body?" He asked finally believing me.

"She died...and gave it to me, Its really hard to explain..." I began and I felt a warm tear slip down my cheek. "I'm crying..." I said after whipping it off and looking at my hand, It felt so weird to finally cry. "I swear I will explain it though."  he watched my momentarily weird interaction with my tears and I think that's when he really knew it was me because he just wrapped me in a hug, I couldn't believe I could feel him, really wrap my living arms around his warm body. I didn't feel alone and empty anymore.

I took him over to the couch to explain everything, it was a long explanation but I told him everything none the less.

"So your parents have been here just watching? that's creepy. Was that who was-" He was cut off by the sound of music from up stairs.

"I guess so." I smiled and the music stopped.

"There are so many things about this world that seem like more than coincidences and now I understand why, I think I believe in destiny now. I wondered why I liked you so much in high school and why I got so sad when you died after I hadn't seen you in such a long time or why I turned on the TV at just the right time to see that you died on the news, everything just fell into place and I just understand now, it's you. Someone- some thing out there thinks I should be with you and I'm not about to let you get away again like I did when we were young." He smiled a sincere smile. there was a short silence before he leaned in and kissed me and suddenly the music came back on from upstairs playing "Of All The Gin Joints In All The World"

"All right Already!" He said breaking off the kiss and shouting at the air making the music stop.

"I would be okay if I never heard that song again." I said.

"Agreed, And I'm the one who helped make it." He laughed.

Hey guys! I FINALLY FINISHED IT! You can thank JollyThursday  for this being finished and adding it to a reading list titled "if your book is on this list UPDATE PLEASE" which I laughed  a lot about and took this as a brilliant idea.

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