Long Goodbye

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When you got home you went straight to your bedroom as quickly as you could and just got into bed. I began to hear you crying. You grew more and note hysterical by the minute. It was like torture to me. I knew it was because of me and there wasn't anything I could do. I sat down beside you on the bed. You still had your glasses on and they were crooked. Your tears made your hair damp and it stuck to your face and sideburns. I wanted so badly to move the sticky hair from your face, I tried but my hand just fell through you. I began to feel even more trapped like I was stuck behind a glass you couldn't see or hear me through.

"Please stop crying, I'm not worth it." I begged gently with you but you just kept sobbing. "I'm here, please hear me" my begging got louder. I didn't know how much more I could stand I was so angry and didn't understand why I was here. The weight of everything just poured down on me. I'd be here forever screaming at him telling hm I was here, I was powerless. I began to scream out of sadness and frustration and to drown out your cries. The lights in your room began to flicker in your room, but you didn't notice. I got out of your bed in raged at this whole situation. I just wanted you to realize I was really here. I began to swing at everything I saw. Books and records began to fly off your book shelf and scatter across your room as I knocked them off hard. I knocked over the lamp, knocked down your curtains and guitars. When I realized what I had done I turned to look at you now sitting up in your bed looking horrified beyond words and still crying.

"Stop! Please stop!" You yelled at what you saw as nothing but the mess now in your room. I looked around at the horrible mess I had made then back to the scared look on your face.

"I'm so so sorry Patrick..." I said guiltfuly but you just cried even harder out of fear this time. I was the one ruining you and making you depressed and sad. I had to do something... anything. You didn't clean up the mess but you did fall asleep. It took me a while and a lot of tries, but I eventually did it. I could feel that I was stronger somehow.

It was now dark outside and I sat in the chair across the room just thinking like I did every night. I knew what I had to do, no matter what. I was going to fight everything I felt, I was hell bent on leaving. I couldn't do this to you anymore.

I went downstairs and scowered the living room and kitchen until I found a note book and pen. The note book had your scribblings and grocery lists in it making me smile andaking me want to do this even more. You were so alive and I just couldn't weigh you down anymore.

So here I am, sitting your table struggling to write all of this for hours with the pen occasionally falling through my hand. I've been up to your room a few times just to check on you, and I don't know, just see you for the last time. I'm sorry I'm so creepy, I didn't feel like I had a choice but to be here. You grew so much on me. I can honestly say I've never felt the way about another person the way I feel about you. I'm hoping it all goes away now, I just want you to be happy. By the time you read this I will be gone.

- Kat.

Hey guys! How do you like the story so far? I'd actually like to thank power_to_penguins for being the only person to like all of these chapters it means a lot to me.

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