Can't make it real

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It took him a while to read the note, he looked horrified at first, then sad, then he smiled. I watched as his face took on a wide range of emotions as he read. By the end of the note he was crying. he put the note book down and lifted his glasses as he wiped his eyes on his forarm and sat up in bed silently a moment and looked around the room.

"K-Kat? are you still here?" he called into the room where he was seemingly alone. I sat in the chair across the bedroom refusing to anser him. I didnt want to cause him any more grief or ruin his life anymore than I already have. He didnt need some ghost in his life hanging around and scaring the crap out of him any more than he already was. I would just pretend to be gone forever, for the rest of his life, or mine whichever one came first. I had to bare this limbo but he didn't have to be stuck with me.

"Kat? Please still be here" he begged. again I did nothing to let him know I was still here, thats why I was shocked and horrified when a book flew off his book case across the room. Patrick gave a slight smile. A strange feel ing came over me that told me I had to answer him, I had better answer him, sending shivers down what once was my spine.

"I'm sorry.. for everything" he muttered into the room sadly "I'm glad you didnt leave" he said  "if you could." he added "since you've been here I havnt really felt alone. The feeling was scary at first, until the cereal incident. I knew something was here, I just didnt know it was you. I wish I could see you, I dont know talking to an empty room feels, dumb" he sort of smiled. I wished he could see me too, right now more than anything.

"it sounds to me like your getting stronger somehow, maybe someday its a possibility...wait are you still listining?" he asked suddenly unsure of wether or not I had left him alone in the room. I got out of the chair and effortlessly picked up the book that had went across the room and put it back on the book shelf neatly as Patrick watched and smiled at my action.

"good" was his reply to me with a laugh. He sat there playing with hid fingers a moment and I just watched him for a moment until I decided to walk over and sit with him on the bed. he and I both watched as the bed sunk in underneath me as if I was really alive. I tried not to think too hard on what I was doing as I reached out and touched his hand laying on the bed. My hand met his warm one and he didn't even pull it away, he just closed his eyes and smiled.

"I feel your hand on mine, if I close my eyes I could almost even see you." he smiled with closed eyes as I ran my fingers softly over his.

"I'm sorry I'm still here." I said. He suddenly opened his eyes and his smile grew big.

"I just heard you! wow!" he said shocking me and taking my hand away from his "Don't be sorry."

"what?! how?" I asked but he didn't hear.

"okay, wait" he said and closed his eyes again "now try" I touched his hand again and tried to think of something to say.

"can you hear me?" I asked him.

"yeah" he began to smile big once again "It's almost like you were really here" he said and intertwined his fingers with mine tightly. I smiled but thought about what he had just said, I wasn't really here, I didn't feel all the way here even tough I could touch him, hear him and see him.

"You don't say much for a girl who hasn't gotten to be heard in a long time, then again you never did." he said making me laugh.

"Your laugh is amazing." he said with his eyes still closed. He laid down in his bed with his hand still locked with mine and I did the same.

"your so warm." I said finally.

"I'd give anything to see your face, This would be how I always imagined it if I could" he said.

"you've imagined this? truthfully, I have too" I said.

It was a shame I was dead, there was no way this could ever be real. There was no way I could ever make this moment real.

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