Just let it go.

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"Damn it!" you said as you hopped over to your bed to sit down and look at the gash in your foot.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for you to get hurt." I said sadly you hopped to the bathroom and got a piece of toilet paper to stop the bleeding but it wasn't letting up.

"You have to go to the hospital, your hurt pretty bad." I said. You pulled your cell phone out of your pocket and pressed some buttons and held it to your ear.

"Hey man, are you doing anything right now?" you asked. "Oh, because I was wondering If you could take me to the hospital real quick?" you asked. "No, no. I stepped on a piece of broken glass and I think it's bad enough to need stitches or something. The bleeding isn't really slowing down." You said as you grabbed another fist full of toilet paper. "Okay, thanks man. See you in a few." You said then hung up the phone. I felt really bad for losing my temper and causing all of this.

"Again, I'm sorry I knocked the lamp over. I just want to help you." I said I closed my eyes and reached out to him but I didn't grab onto anything, instead he got up and hobbled down stairs and put one shoe on and his coat dripping little spots of blood from his foot with him. He found a kitchen towel and held it on his foot and a few moments later a car horn beeped and he went out the door, Again, I felt compelled to follow him.

The air didn't affect me as it must have him; he instantly shivered as he hopped out the door and his black haired friend who was instantly familiar to me got out of his car and helped him in and I got in the back once again going through the door.

"So what happened?" the black haired guy asked.

"it was crazy Pete. I was just lying in bed and my lamp fell over and I guess the light bulb broke and a huge piece was in my floor and I stepped on it." You said.

"Wait, it just fell over? Was it like wobbly or anything like that?" Pete asked.

"No. I've been having a crazy day. I've felt cold since the dream I had this morning, just really, really cold." You said.

"Me too." I said.

"How much blood did you lose before I got here?" Pete laughed.

"A bit, but I feel fine besides the cut." He said

"Hey, I stopped by today to check on you and you weren't home. You seemed kind of upset on the phone this morning." Pete said.

"I went to the bridge." You admitted.

"I figured you did. Look man, I don't think you're doing too well with this, and I think you should just let it go before you drive yourself crazy." Pete said.

"I agree." I said

"I can't for some reason. It's just so crazy; I had that dream and then the thing on the news. I know it was her. In the dream "Jin Joints" just kept playing even under the water, it never quit, I remember it all so vividly." You said.

"I think we work you too hard, Trick." Pete said.

"No, you don't, I'm fine. I'm not insane, these coincidences are." You said as we stopped in front of the hospital.

On the way back to Patrick's house the car ride was quiet. I could tell Pete was worried about you.

"You should stay the night at my house." Pete said pulling up in front of your house.

"No, I swear I'm fine." you insisted and Pete helped you into your house.

"Just promise you'll call if you need anything." He said.

"I promise. Thanks Pete" You said to him before he left.

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