The Front Door

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I went upstairs where Patrick was asleep and layed the notebook beside him in his bed. He looked so much more peaceful now than when he was awake. I sat down beside him, closed my eyes and leaned in. To my surprise I felt my lips gently touch his warm forehead. I tool his askew glasses off his face and placed them on his bedside table next to his alarm clock.

"Goodbye" I whispered to him "remember to be happy, okay?" I said then stood up and began to walk downstairs.

I was face to face with the front door and the physical pressure was beating down on me hard as if there was too much gravity. I wondered where dead people go after they die, because I knew I might not make it through this intense sensation of weight on me. I took a few more steps and a severe high pitched ringing began to occur. I couldn't tell if the ringing was everywhere in the room or just my head. I stuck my hand through the door and the loud ringing and pressure almost got unbareable. I decided to just run straight through like I was ripping off a bandaid. I ran, but I was hit with a sensation like my whole body was punched and electrocuted at the same time making me fall to the floor in front of the door. I was determined so I decided to try again only to earn me the same result as the first time. I tried a window, I tried going straight through the walls, nothing worked. I was stuck here, forever.

I went back upstairs to my chair and sulked.

At least if I couldn't leave I could make patrick forget me. I decided I wouldn't try to communicate with him anymore, it would just make things worse if I did.

As the sun began to come up he began to toss and turn again signifying the dream that wakes him up every morning.

After a few minutes he began to just gasp for air this time before sitting up in his bed slowly. He must of gotten to the point where he stopped fighting mine/his death.

I saw his hand land accidently on the notebook in his bed. He picked it up and looked at it a moment before giving his glasses a funny look on his nightstand, probably remembering falling asleep in them. He put them on and looked back at the note book which I had opened to the beginning of my note.

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