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From the chair in the corner of your room watched you lay in your bed and take slow and steady breaths in and out. I didn't really as much watch you as I was lost in thought. How did the CD player turn itself on like that, who or what was behind it? How come I could only touch things sometimes? How could I walk on solid ground but not be able to touch things?

I looked back over at you curled up in your bed and I felt bad. Why was I put here to harass such a nice guy?

Then a thought occurred to me. Why was I still here? I could leave and go anywhere I wanted, I could see anything in the world. As I thought of this a feeling of physical and mental pressure began to weigh me down. It was like nothing I've ever felt before, but it seemed like a warning. Were there rules to this hellish limbo? Was there someone running it? Maybe there were more people like me out there, stuck here.

I was co confused I felt like crying, only to realize I physically couldnt. I also realized I wasn't able to sleep either, it had been more than twenty four hours since I died and I wasn't even sleepy. I looked at you sleeping not so peacefully as you began to toss and turn and I was envious that you got a break from being awake. 

I got up out of the chair and ignored the feeling of pressure from what I was about to do. Every step down the stairs made the pressure in my body (or lack there of) feel worse. I made it right in front of the front door before I couldn't take it anymore.

"What is this?!" I yelled so loud that if I was alive it would of echoed through the house. "I know these someone else here, I feel it! What do you want from me?! Why am I here?!" I screamed despratly, but nothing happened. I went back upstairs in defeat and in sadness.

I sat back down in the chair and watched as the faint morning sunlight creep through your widow and get stronger as the time passed. You began to toss and turn worse and worse and even make small sounds like whimpering noises.

Suddenly you began to thrash about in your bed and gasp for air until you fell to the floor with a thud. You laid there on the wood floor a moment and reached up to the nightstand above you and grabbed your glasses in which you wasted no time putting on. You crawled back into your bed and began to cry.

I felt so bad again, I knew I was doing this to you but there was morning I could do. All of this was driving me crazy as well as you.

You just sat there and cried for a long time, I felt like I should give you some space. I realized that you hadn't even eaten since yesterday morning. I decided to go down stairs and try to make it clear to you that you needed to eat, of I could.

I went into your kitchen and looked around wondering where I should start. Since you ate cereal yesterday that's what I decided to try today.

I had to open a cabinent first but I had no idea which one held the bowls or cereal, it might take a while. I closed my eyes and tried to grab the handle, it didn't work. I promised myself I wouldn't get frustrated and decided to take another approach. I didn't think about it at all and felt my hand collide with the handle. I swung the cabinent open then I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Bowls! I had found them! I knew physically trying to pick them up might be a problem. Once again first attempt didn't work, the second attempt I casually picked up a bowl until I got too excited and it slipped out of my hands onto the counter. I was lucky the bowl didn't break but I froze for a minute realizing how loud the noise was. I listened for a moment but I didn't hear Patrick coming. I smoothly opened another cabinent, then another in my search for cereal. I finally found it in the third one I checked. I went to grab it but it just toppled over and spilled on the counter and floor. I stood back to look at what I had done, there was cereal everywhere and the cabinets were all open. I thought you would probably get the general idea, right? Now all I had to to was get you in here.

"What the hell?!" I heard coming from the door way. I looked at you, you had wide eyes and shock all over your face as you looked at your messed up kitchen.

"Sorry." I said guiltfuly.  After a moment you began to walk towards the counter with the mess of cereal on the floor crunching under your feet. You began finishing making yourself a bowl of cereal.

"Uh, um, your real." you said awkwardly as if you felt like you were talking to yourself.

"Welcome." I replied and felt myself smile.

After you ate and cleaned up the mess, I think you started feeling better because you took a shower and changed the bandage on your foot.

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