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"Are you alright?" I asked again with no answer from him. He just sighed and got out of bed and tiredly shuffled out of his room, I followed him until I realized he was going into the bathroom so I just stayed outside in the hall.

"So you can't see me or hear me?" I said now figuring out I wouldn't get a reply.

"But who the hell are you and why did I just appear here?" I said following him back to his room. I looked at the now light filled bedroom and saw his dark blue walls and the posters were for a band called fall out boy and he was one of the guys in it. Neat, so he has posters of himself on his walls. As he threw on some clothes I thought about how I died, but the weird thing was I couldn't remember anything before that, all I remember is drowning in my car.

He headed down stairs and made himself a bowl of cereal and sat down at his small kitchen table and I sat across from him. He ate slowly and just stared down at the bowl.

"You must be lonely just like me." I said. How did I know I was lonely? Who was I? I didn't even know my own name. "You know you look familiar." I said as he got up and put his empty bowl in the sink. He went into the living room and picked up the phone off the receiver and dialed a number.

"Hey Pete, yeah I'll be there. Hey, I had this weird dream." He said and waited on Pete's response. "No, I drove off this bridge or something and I couldn't get out of the car and the water was so cold, it was so real I swear. I could actually feel the cold water as I breathed it in......Pete...Pete, what's wrong?" he said waiting on a reply from the person on the other line. "What? Last night?" he asked in disbelief then paused before he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV and changed it from MTV to the local news. "Yeah I did.....Oh my gosh!" she said almost dropping the phone but flailing to catch it as his gaze never moves from the TV.

"That's it, that's the bridge." He said in shock. I look at the TV also in disbelief.

"the body has been identified as twenty one year old Katherine Owens." The lady news anchor said. And this time he did drop the phone.

"Kat." He whispered. It all came back I now knew my name and age, and that I was dead. It felt like it had all just hit me like a ton of bricks, I was dead. "Yeah, I knew her, all of our teachers called her Kat" He had now picked up the phone off the floor and was now pacing while talking to his friend. "I had this thing for her in school, I would always sit near her at lunch but I'd never talk to her. She was at all of our old shows, don't you remember?" he asked and my eyes widened and I just stared at him.

"Patrick." I said as I realized who he was and in my mind played "Of all the Gin Joints" this all had to be a dream.

"I don't know what's going on man, But I swear I dreamed her death." He said still pacing his living room.

"Thanks man, I really don't think I should record like this, I feel like a wreck....I will man, I promise. Bye" you said then hung up the phone and sat on the couch and watched the rest of the news story. I went over to you and sat next to you, again not leaving an indent where I was sitting, the couch cushion never moved at all when I sat down, I just kind of hovered an inch above it but it felt like I had couch beneath me.

I looked back at you and realized you were crying. I felt really bad and I tried to touch you again but my hand just passed through you as if you weren't even there, or I wasn't.

"Don't cry over me, I'm just a girl you talked to once in highs school. I don't matter to anyone, I never did." I said not knowing again why I was downing my life so much when I couldn't even remember it. And what was I doing trying to make a guy who couldn't even see me or hear me feel better; maybe it was just to make myself feel better. You went up to your room for a while and laid in bed then picked at an acoustic guitar for a while, you seemed mopey. While you were doing that I went to the bathroom and looked in a mirror and saw nothing but the shower behind me looking back at me. My short brown hair was gone and my brown eyes weren't there either, I had remembered what I looked like thanks to the picture of me on the news.

I went back to your room and tried to play with things on the shelf but I couldn't but I just kept trying any way. Finally you got up and marched out of your room and got your car keys and coat down stairs and headed out the door. I didn't know whether to follow you or not at first but I got this feeling in my gut that said I should so I raced out the door after you. I went through the passenger side car door and sat

down in the seat. I really didn't understand all of this, nor why I felt like I should follow you but I was just all going on my gut on everything.

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