chapter 4

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Mal pov

soon we were in the enchanted forest, we found Rebecca and four guys.

" I'm back with Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos " Alex said

" Alex, Mal Evie, Jay, and Carlos " Rebecca said walking towards us and hugging the five of us. Well at least most of the gang is back together, I wonder where Gigi is?

" Hey where is Gigi " I asked

" she just left she's in Oz she had to leave " Rebecca said

" well who are your friends " Evie asked

" hi I'm Patrick, that's Joe, Pete, and Andy " Patrick said those names sound so familiar but I can't put a finger on how I know them then it me.

" you're Fall out boy " me, Evie, Jay, and Carlos said in unison
" well it's getting late we should go to Snow white's castle and sleep there " Alex said

" so who was after you? " Rebecca asked " Hunter and Silver hood " Alex said

" where is she I'm going to write them both to nonexistence in this world " Rebecca said

" no we need them they both signed the there story now their both attached to the book if you do that it can upset the world's " Alex said

" well now Melody knows were here now what are we going to do? We can't just stay here forever " Carlos stated he was right we can't stay forever. The barrier over the enchanted forest is weak. If Melody comes that barrier will brake.

" That's why we're going to split at day brake we're going to need to stay in touch so we're going to have to call Gigi " Rebecca said

" well we can just sleep out here look the sun is going down then I'll keep watch " I said

" okay fine " Rebecca said as they all went to sleep, later I slowly went to sleep.

Gigi pov

" come on, you can do this guy's how are we going to take on Melody if we can't fight " I said I've been training Maddie, Lizzie, Bonnie, Alexander, and Courtly but it's not going well. I wonder how Alex and Rebecca are doing speaking of Alex and Rebecca they're calling me.

" I'll be back just keep working on aiming the target and don't... you know what just give me those just work on combat " I said as they gave me the lazer blaster. I left and teleported back to the enchanted forest in fairytale land.

" What do need Rebecca and Alex nee... Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos what are you doing here? " I asked

" long story but no time to tell " Jay said

" Gigi we need gear we're splitting up so Melody won't find us can you get us the things we need? " Alex said

" yes I was going to give this to you when you get to Grimm castle but hold on I'll be back " I said teleporting back to Oz getting a perpule and blue suit cases and teleported back to fairytale land. " here you guys go " I said " cool belts Gigi thanks for everything " Rebecca said " no problem " I said

" Patrick, Joe, and Andy be careful with those wepons there magic " I warned " okay we will " Pete said " well I better go to contact the Vampire relm see never teach Maddie, Lizzie, Bonnie, Kat Alexander, and Courtly self defense. Bye " I said

" bye " they all said unison then I teleported back to Oz, only to find Maddie, Lizzie, Bonnie, Kat, Alexander, and Courtly... just fine. Even though I always come back to a disaster. They waved and I went to my room and called princess Alexis but for short Alex.

" hello " she said " hey Alex um... I am training some friends and I was wondering if you would like to help me " I asked

" sure I'll bring the girls with me to help " she said I can't wait until they come, because let's just be honest at the rate Maddie, Lizzie, Kat, Bonnie, and Alexander are they suck at life.

Patrick pov

" okay Mal, Carlos, Pete Patrick and Alex you guy's go to Camelot to get exclaber, and Andy, Joe, Evie, Jay, and I will just go find the the gem of light " I said " okay well let's go Before Melody finds us " Alex said leaving with Mal, Carlos, Pete, and me. We took our separate ways I wondered what happened to Alex when we left because he wasn't walking how she normally does she was limping. I grabbed her arm as she was still moving and she winced in pain " Alex what happened to you're leg? " I asked " shh I'll tell you later but not in front of them now can you keep your mouth shut " she said with wide eyes.

Melody pov

" you're magesty I'm afraid you're sister has escaped from us she's also not in the enchanted forest " Hunter said hearing that my sister has escaped makes me angry.

" What?! How did this happen?! " I yelled

" Silver was the one who was with her last " He said

" well I had her until Maleficent's daughter Mal came along with her stupid friends " Silver said

" find Mal and her friends and bring them to me alive and send every villain in the land to find Alex, Rebecca, and fall out boy " I said

" yes as you wish malady " Silver said slightly curtsy to me leaving along with her brother " Hunter let me have a chat with you " I said sternly as he stop dead in his tracks and turned around. " I want you to get Alex alone with you and I want you to kill her and bring me Patrick Stump " I said I knew that he didn't want to kill my little sister. I wanted him to suffer and my sister would be dead. I'd be killing two birds with one stone. " here take this dagger " I said giving him the dagger. I laughed as he left now my sister will be out the way and I can continue my reign.

Patrick pov

(Time skip)

We stopped to rest in a village at night fall, once again it was no one there. " Patrick came with me " Alex wisper yelled, we walked away from the others but we weren't that far. " So why are you limping " I asked her with concern tone in my voice. " when you and Pete left I ran from Silver and Hunter hood the daughter and son of red riding hood and the big bad wolf. So as I was running for my mortal life she scratched my leg " she explained " okay but why don't you tell the others? " I asked " because I don't want them to worry Patrick please don't tell " she pleaded to me I sighed " fine " I said she huged me and we went back to the others. As we were walking back Alex lost her , she fell face palming her balance forehead and yelped in pain. She stoped as she became better
" Alex you  alright? " I asked " Yeah are you, Pete, Joe, and Andy looking for a silver brief case? " she asked " yes we are but we stopped until we came here " I told her but why did she know that we we're looking for a silver brief case? As we get back we hear howling. Alex and my eyes go wide " Alex, Pete, and Patrick run we'll hold them off " Mal said Alex looked like she didn't want to leave but she ran, Pete and I ran by falloweing her.

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