Chapter 7

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Alex pov

" so how are we going to get below get under ground if we have no shovel what so ever " Hunter said as we walked through the forest, there was nothing but grass trees,wild/magic flowers, and bushes. Finally we got to a dirt path and we walked on that, and now Rebecca and Hunter arguing over god knows what. " Okay no Rebecca Hunter isn't digging a hole in the ground " I said " well how in the hell are we going to get under ground " Joe asked " we're taking the sewer then there's a tunnel on the right but you have to crawl then there's a shoot which leads to the Grimm castle tunnel then head straight but You Hunter have to go down to the cells and get to the Catacombs and open the gate because only it can be opened from the outside then we go find Patrick, Bella, Rose, Cindy, Emily, and Hannah and SW/D (snow White's daughter) then get ready to kick some villian ass " I continued to explain my plan
" wait there are no sewers in the middle of the forests " Hunter said " that's why were going to a near city and you won't be coming underground with us you'll be up here sense you are my sister's lap dog " I explained as Rebecca, Pete, Joe, and Andy laughed " I'm not you're sister's lap dog I just work for her sort of, she is the queen I have to fallow her orders " he said I didn't know what to say he had a point but " so basically you're her lap dog " Pete said and we all laughed and Hunter shook his head " yeah sure I'm her lap dog Pete " Hunter said sarcastically. " well I presume you have it here I'm going to see what my queen wants don't get into trouble I you do Alex scream " Hunter said before running off. " why scream were far from Grimm castle he wouldn't be able to hear you " Andy said " one Hunter is part wolf, Alex can sing, she also has a high pich scream " Rebecca explained " yep it's true " I said

(Time Skip)

Rebecca, Joe, and Andy got to the sewer luckily we weren't by the water. Us getting into the city however wasn't easy as I thought it would be. There were tons of villains lerking, but we had caused a little bit of a disruption, it was fun. Sadly Pete sacrificed himself so we can get down to the sewer but I went to get him so now were running again. I swear if I have to run again I will just give up luckily I know another way to the tunnels that will lead to the guys. God I hate running we got to an old tree that is the way to where the guys were now. I quickly broke one the branches and the tree opened and me and Pete ran down the steps luckily there is a lot of light in the tunnels. When we got to the sewer we saw Rebecca, Andy, and Joe. All of a sudden I had pain my head hurt like hell. I balance forehead and yelped in pain. I was having a vision of Pete, Joe, and Andy's deaths Patrick killed them but it wasn't here. I stoped as I became better my vision was gone " Alex you alright? " Joe asked " yeah " I said " you sure Alex you don't look good " Rebecca asked " yes I'm fine let's just go " I said as we got up and continued to walk though the tunnel.

Hunter POV

" hello Hunter did you do as I said " Melody asked " you're sister is clever she got away again you're highness " I lied
" you know what that's alright because she'll be coming anyway to get my soon to be husband " she said wait soon to be husband? Who? I wondered " and who is that? " I asked " Patrick Stump our wedding is in two days " she said happily but I was not I have to warn the others then I heard Alex's scream " now go you're dismissed " Melody said I left when I got out the grown room I went downstairs into the Catacombs I found Alex, Pete, Andy, Joe, and Rebecca. I opened up the gate and they steped out.
" wait guys in two days Melody is marrying Patrick " I said " what no way " Rebecca said " yes way " I said " oh well we're going to do what we came here for now let's go " Alex said leaving and the others fallowing.

Bella POV

I can't take being in a stupid unbreakable glass. I needed away out then I saw Ralph Stilskin son of Rumpelstiltskin then I had an idea. " hey Ralph I need you to help me out of here please I need you " I said " if I get you, Hannah, and Emily out will you return me the favor when I need it? " He asked this was tricky who knows what he'd want for a favor in return but I needed it " deal " I said eagarly as soon as I said that I was in the library along with Hannah and Emily. We all were silent then we hugged " Hann, Em we don't have much time look in any book we need to find a map out of here " I said they nodded and we got to work.

Pete pov

We fallowed Alex and there we saw three of her friends " okay so knowing Bella she got Hannah and Emily out s there probably upstairs " Rebecca said " what about Patrick? " I asked " well we can get them Joe, Andy go with Rebecca, Cindy, Rose, and Sarah to the library now let's go " Alex said as we went two separate ways. We got to a corror door and there were two gards Alex scoffed " please she has Anna and Peleope the two ugly step sisters of Cindy wow there grades were sad watch and learn Petey " Alex said she walked by the door slightly opened it and said something, then the screaming girls ran where we were but we weren't seen. Me and Alex laughed as we went on " see there not that smart " Alex said it was silent we heard footsteps and found Patrick but he wasn't him he had yellow eyes again. " Alex " I said " yes Pete " Alex said as Patrick came forward to us. " we need to run now " I said " oh no I'm not running again I'm tired see we found Patrick now let's go before my sister forces him into marriage " she said walking to Patrick I grabbed her hand, pulled her to me, grabbed her waist and put over my shoulder there was no way I was going to go over by Patrick when he's about to kill her. " hey put me down now Pete " Alex said " no can do Alex " I said I went into a room and found Andy Joe and more girls. I put Alex down and then I quickly locked the door and every one looked at me. " Joe Andy Patrick is the Patrick that has yellow eyes and he wants to kill us " I explained " well now what we can't go out there we'll die " Joe said " we'll take the escape shoot " a girl with dark brown hair and golden yellow and red hair said " that's Bella Beauty daughter of Bell " Andy whispered in my ear. " There is no escape shoot here " Rebecca said " yes there is " Bella said " no there isn't I grew up here there isn't " Rebecca argued Bella bent down to the floor and open up a four tiled floor panel. Rebecca mouth dropped and her eyes widened. " told you " Bella said
" now someone has to close the panel so someone has to stay behind " Rebecca said " I'll do it " Alex volunteered out of the blue there was no way I wasn't going to let her stay here. " no I'll stay " I said then alarms were going off and the lights were red. " that's for us Alex you can stay we'll come back for you on the day of the wedding and try finding Map, Jay, Evie, and Carlos " Bella said Alex gave me a look so I decided to leave it alone. Everyone jumps down the shoot I was last to go " Pete go I'll be fine " Alex said " no I'm not leaving you " I said on the verge of tears " go Pete now " she said I looked in her blue eyes I don't know why but I kissed her and it was pure passion it wasn't how I kissed Megan. After I decided to jump and before I left the door broke and Patrick came in, grabbed Alex, he knocked her out " no " I yelled and that was the last time I saw Alex.

Wow wounder what happens next? What do think happens next take a guess in the comments. I got my phone back I'll update next chapter soon. Sarah is the daughter of snow meet Sarah White.


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