chaper 9

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A/N okay before you read in this chapter you will find out why Melody is doing all this crazy shit if you don't get why then I'll tell you in the next chapter. Enjoy


Melody POV

Today is the day the day I get married I feel bad that Alex, Joesseta, my mom and my dad aren't here but who cares no one can't stop me to day is my day and no one or anything can ruin that. All I have to do is open that case and my plan shall be completed. Patrick and the other fall out boys members will me dead and I will rule forver. Hold on master I'm coming. " Melody it's time " Silver said here I go and may there be a lot of blood spilling.

Pete POV

I can't believe I am going to climb on a balcony. See Gigi changed the being of the plan she's going to have Me, Rebecca, Rose, Emily, Bella, Sarah, Cindy Gigi, Joe, Andy, and Hannah are going to find a balcony window that Hunter is going to open. During the ceremony and we come in while Hunter let's in our army then we get to go home after we kick ass.

Hunter POV

Before Melody walked down the aisle I got up then my litte sisters Riley and Lily stopped me. Yep I had another evil sister well she's not evil she just acts like it for Silver and me she thinks I'm evil she looks up to me and Silver.
" where are you going? " Riley asked " come with me something bad is going to happen we have to leave Silver told us " I lied they nodded an we left I didn't want them to be on this mess. I care about Lily and Riley they're is my little sisters I care for my family. However I don't care for Silver anymore she is my older sister but she was truly rotten to the core. We went to a room and opened up the window. As we went out we went to the doors and opened those and were our way to leave. But I heard a high piched scream it was Alex's
" come on Lily and Riley " I said as I ran from where the scream came from. We went into that room where her scream came from. I opened the door and found Alex. " Hunter get me out of here " Alex said she looked like she was beaten badly I untied her from the chair she was in as soon as she got up we hugged. " thanks Hunter " she whispered in my ear. " Hunter who is she " Riley asked " she's really pretty she looks like Melody " Lily said Alex laughed " I'm Melody's little sister Alex but I'm not her you two stay here Hunter you too " Alex said " okay " I said as Alex left. I hope she'll be okay.

Alex POV

As I was leaving I saw Gigi, Pete, Rebecca, Rose, Emily, Bella, Sarah, Cindy Gigi, Joe, Andy, and Hannah " Alex here were ready to take Melody down " Gigi said handing me a wepon belt. When we got to the thrown room and it was Locked. So I used my lazer gun and kicked open the door. We were just in time because Patrick was about to say I do.

" stop this wedding the future is bulletproof the after math is secondary it's time to do it now and do now let's get ready to kick ass " I said " Alex this isn't happening villains get them now!! " Melody ordered then our army which was way bigger than her's came. We were fighting off the villains and we were winning. Silver was trying to leave I ran in front of her and she laughed " not today bitch " I said there is no way I was going to let her get away and you know what I wasn't afraid of her anymore
" please not this again but I guess I'll have to kill you " she said. We fought man she was good but I had better kicks. I even tried to shoot her but she kicked out my hand far away from me. I was done for Silver chuckled and she was about to kill me. " well looks like you're game is over for you " she growled at me I closed my eyes and nothing happened then I opened them and saw my sister Joesseta. " hey sis long time no see " she said " Joesseta I missed you " I said hugging her then we pulled away " missed you too sis you do know you could have knocked her out you had a wepon belt " she said I forgot about that belt but I'm glad I did. " oops I forgot " I said " well are we going to stand here and kick Mel's ass? " Joesseta asked " oh you know we are " I said as we went back in we kept a close eye on each other we found Melody. She had Snow White's magic mirror it wasn't a good scean either, because Joe, Andy ,Pete and Patrick was near it. Me and Joesseta wanted to stop but we couldn't get through until after Pete, Patrick, Andy, and Joe went through. Patrick was still evil Patrick. After they went through the mirror broke into pieces. Melody found another exit way but she wasn't going to get away no not this time. " Joesseta Mel is escaping you stay here " I said as she nodded. Now I'm finding Melody and I'm going to end this fight once in for all. She has done so much and now she's going to pay.

Now Alex is finally going to fight Melody in chapter 14. I know but you have to see what happens to Pete, Patrick, Andy, and Joe. It's going to start where they were at the beginning in chapter 1 and it's going to end like Miss Missing you. Sorry but I'm tired of Alex POV's she needs a brake. Until next time. Bye


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