Chapter 15: Memories

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I took a long sigh as I went to sit at the back of the driver's seat of my car. Today was really a long day. Being the next heir of a prestigious family really is boring. I had to balance my time with school and work.

"To where do we head, Sir Calloway?" the driver asked me.

I sweat dropped. "As I've told you before Chichi (Toy Chica), call me by my first name," I wriggled my eyebrows up and down as I put on a smirk and told her.

"I believe I can't do that Sir. It is my job to serve you and say your last name with respect," she replied. I sighed again. Cold.

"Then, let's head home. I'm pretty tired now," I told her. Chichi gave a slight nod before turning her head to the driveway. She started to drive and I closed my eyes for a while.


As soon as I heard that noise, my eyes went wide open.

A girl! A girl was right in center of the road! God! Please tell me I'm not dreaming!

The next thing I knew, my head bumped in the front seat. The car gave a loud screech and a slight sound of proving that the girl was ran over!!!

"What the heck happened?" I asked Chichi as soon as I recovered from the slight pain my head gave me. She stared at me.

"I have no idea," she replied. I was panicking. My hands were shaking and my heart beat as fast as it could. I quickly made my way out to see if the girl was still alive. What I saw made me scream.

"Aaaahhh!! What are we going to do?! Is she dead?" I asked Chichi when I saw her exited the car. She rolled her eyes. I glared at her.

"She's not dead, Sir. Her head is just bleeding," she told me.

"What?! Bleeding?! Then she is dead!!!" I screamed again. "Don't you care about her Chichi? Look at her! She's dead!"

"Shut up Master!" She told me. I frowned. Did she just tell me to shut up? What the heck?! This girl is so cold she ruined my night!

"Okay, calm down Chichi. We need to take her to a freaking hospital!!!!"

"Looks like you Sir, is the one who needs to calm down," she said. "Stop over reacting Sir. Remember what your mom always says," she told me.

I sighed. "I know, I know. 'Money can solve everything' wasn't it?" I assured her.

"Now let's take her to the hospital with the best doctors in order for your family name to remain its wonderful image."

I rolled my eyes. Yeah, our great big wonderful image.

I glanced at the girl and took a look at her face. It was only then that I noticed that her cheeks were wet. Tears, perhaps? Quite the troublemaker, huh?

I went inside the car back to where I sat. Chichi faked a cough. I glanced at her, then frowned as I saw that she was carrying the girl on her arms. "What? She going to lie down and cover the whole space of this backseat?! No way!"

"Sir, she is injured. Your family's reputation is at stake, remember? And please, you're the one who's supposed to carry her." Chichi told me.

I stuck my tongue out and once again, she rolled her eyes as she placed the unconscious girl at where I sat, covering the whole space.

I moved next to driver's seat and faced the front road as Chichi drove, not bothering to look back, at all.

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