Chapter 27: Explanation

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Foxy's P.O.V.

"Foxy, did I like you?"

I stared at the girl was also staring directly at my eyes, way deep.

"Huh?" I asked.  "What are you talking about?"

"You must not have heard me so I will repeat myself. Foxy..." Mangle had me trapped in the corner of the classroom. She didn't notice the stares our classmates were giving. "...did I like you?"

I stopped on my tracks. Like, wow. How brave can she possibly be?

There was a minute long of silence.

"Should I repeat my question over and over again?" Mangle asked as she broke the silence. And let me tell you, she didn't look happy. She was confused, but had her brows frowning.

I didn't answer. I didn't know how.


I covered her mouth and dragged both of us out of the classroom. She was silent the whole time. I led her to the back part of the school.

Mangle looked at me. She was not leaving her questions unanswered.

I sighed. "Okay, why don't you ask Bonbon?" I suggested.

"You dragged me out here to tell me and ask Bonbon?!"


"What the hell Foxy!" she shouted rather hysterically.

"Calm down okay? And how should I know if you liked me or not?" I asked.

She put on a smug look and reached for her bag. She held out a notebook. And it was damn right, pink.

"Can you see this?" she asked pointing at he notebook.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I can, I'm not blind."

She glared at me. 

"Let's get straight to the point shall we?" I suggested.

Mangle put on a quick nod. "This..." she pointed at the notebook. " my diary before went to high school. So the things written here were before losing my first memories."

I nodded.

She glared at me again. "Can't you see? I skimmed through the pages and every entry has your name on it!"

I backed away. "Whoa, whoa. What are you implying?" I asked.

"Two things," she answered. "Either I liked you before we entered high school or I was running like a dog chasing after you when we were first years."

My eyes widened. When did she get so smart?

I scoffed. "You didn't like me, stupid," I told her.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "In the last entry, I wrote that I had fallen for someone. And the rest of the entries has your name on every single one of it. Tell me, how it that possible?"

"How can I tell? You wrote it yourself!"

"Exactly! That is why you have to answer my question. Did I, like you Foxy?" Mangle asked.

I gulped, standing there like a frozen statue.

I regained my composure. "Why should it be important if you liked me or not?" I asked.

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