Chapter 32: Confrontation

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Foxy's P.O.V. 

I glanced at the empty seat beside me. Somehow...without feels so...empty...

Where is she?

"Okay, class. That's it for today. Don't forget to do your homework."

I stood up from my seat and watched as the others stood up to head for our next class. I  glanced at Bonbon and Bonnie. I gave them a questioning look. They shrugged.

Where is she?

"Calm down Foxy," Bonbon assured me.

I sighed. "'s the first time she didn't attend class."

"Come on. Maybe she's just sick or something. You're her childhood friend. Aren't you supposed to know what she's doing?" 

" grade school, if she's ever sick, she used to call me and tell me she won't be attending class. She always used to...used to..." I stopped talking. 

"Foxy, are  you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah...I'm fine." No matter what I told them, I knew I didn't look convincing. 

"...she used to chase after me all the time...and now...I guess I'm just not used to not being with her. It's...comforting." I tried to convince myself. No...why was I convincing myself? It's actually comforting.

"Well...maybe she's too sick to call you..haha..." Bonnie tried to lighten up the mood.

Or maybe she's a different Mangle now...

No, she regained her memories from our childhood and forgot everything in high school. So maybe she's now the real Mangle she was supposed to be.

This is all my fault...

"Don't worry Foxy. still Mangle...after all..."

I gulped. If she's still the Mangle I know, then why did she lie to me about Springtrap? I feel like...I don't know her anymore.

. . .

A week has passed and Mangle didn't show up in class. I tried calling her but it all directed me to voicemail. I tried coming to her house but it was locked and no one seemed to be inside.

What was actually happening?

"Bonbon...." I called out.

"Ah, yes?"

"Is Mangle having a relationship with Springtrap?"

Bonbon flinched. "Ahahaha....Foxy. Are you kidding me? Mangle and Springtrap?! No way! No way!"

I sighed. These two are really best friends....

"I saw them."

"W-what are you talking about?" Bonbon and Bonnie both flinched this time. "And I suppose you knew about it too, right Bonnie?"


"You think I don't know about it?! Don't lie to me because despite Mangle's absence, I know Springtrap too hasn't been in class for a week! Why are you hiding things from me?!"

"Hey Foxy..."

"Go away Chica..." I told her before returning my glare at Bonnie and Bonbon.

"How mean! You still love that b*tch?!"

"I don't love Mangle! I'm concerned for her because she's just like my little sister! So don't ever call her a  b*tch ever again!" My glare turned to murderous. 

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