Chapter 19: Lost Part 2

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Mangle's P.O.V.

As Springtrap and Chichi escorted me inside my house, I quickly dashed inside my room before my fake parents could hug me. I sat on the cold floor sitting and leaned my head against the door.

Springtrap was talking to them, telling what all had happened. The soft cries I heard made me feel intense pain that a tear managed to fall from my eye.

No...I have to deal with this...

After a few minutes, I heard a knock from my door. "Mangle? Can we talk to you?"

I gulped. I started to sweat. Before I opened the door, I wiped my eyes dry.

"Why did you keep the truth from me?" I asked both my aunt and uncle as I stared at both of them intently.

They looked down. "We didn't intend to. It was for your sake Mangle. The pain was too much for you to take."

"Look at me!" I yelled. "Look at me and tell me the truth!! The whole truth!"

Slowly, they lifted their heads. They were...crying.

"I'm sorry...Mangle. Please forgive us. When your parents died, you were suffering so much that it lead to that accident which caused you to lose your memories. We thought it was probably the best to hide the truth."

"For how long?! For how long did you intend to keep the truth from me?! For how long did you intend to make me look like an idiot?!"

Tears formed in my eyes but I stopped them from falling. "You know that what I hate the most is pain. But you lying to me hurts so much that I don't understand if this is pain or anger!" 

I slammed the door shut and cried the whole day. I can still hear quiet whimpers outside my room.

God...why? Why me?

After a few months...

Mangle, still with her lost memories and a pained heart....

Foxy, still having no idea with his own feelings and wanting the things that happened in the past to be forgotten by Mangle...

Bonbon, yearning for that same Mangle to come back and remember her...

Bonnie, wanting forgiveness for all the things he'd done and with the goal to turn things back to what they one were...

Springtrap, not even the slightest guilty for the mistake he had done and currently facing a major problem...

Chichi, who is working harder and harder for the sake of her only family....

Chica, who had no idea about things that happened and still desires both Foxy and Bonnie...

Other people who will soon discover their fates intertwined with these people.... who had still no idea what lies in the future...

Had now become second year high school students!

. . .

Okay...that was just actually an intro for the next chapter. Even if I informed everyone that I was going to update 3 chapters on Christmas, I won't cancel that. Hope you'll continue reading! Someone forced me to update so I guess you have to thank Fanglelover again.

Love love <3


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