Chapter 29: Mishaps

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Mangle's P.O.V.

"Ahahahaha! Stop joking Springtrap! Are you trying to be funny? That's a low-level joke!" I burst in my seat. I couldn't believe what Springtrap was asking me to do...rather...telling me to do!

"I'm not joking," he told me in a serious tone.

I froze yet again. Was he kind of some sick insane freak or what?

" mean you're really asking me to be...?"

"Yes," Springtrap bluntly replied.  "Just for today."

I blinked. "Today? What do you mean?"

Springtrap took in a large amount of air. "Listen carefully. What I'm about to say must be kept only to the both of us. Okay?"

I gulped. I was certainly not prepared for this. What was he about to tell me that must be kept only to the both of us? Is it really that important?

I leaned closer and readied myself for what I was about to hear. "Okay."

. . .

Springtrap's P.O.V.

Yesterday...this happened...

I was sitting rather calmly in front of our dining table when suddenly, my parents decided for us to talk. It has been a long time since we had. Last time was probably when I was 5 years old. Can you believe that?

I couldn't blame them. They were too busy on their own businesses. Not that I care. All they want is more money even though our wealth right now can last us a lifetime. I don't know why they were so obsessed that they even abandoned their own children. 

Well, I do have a brother. The last time I saw him was also when I was 5. He was already 11 years old. He left the house. My parents didn't even care. I don't know if he's still alive right now. I also probably stopped caring.

"So, Springtrap, how's your new school?" my mother asked me.

I didn't face her. "All is fine. I was perfect as usual."

That's right. As usual, being my facade perfect self.

"That's good. We don't want the Calloway heir disgracing our name," my father added. 

"So what were you two about to tell me that you even requested a private talk? Is it that urgent?" I asked them. I want this talk to end very soon.

"Yes, well, it's rather urgent," he said. I faced them. They both had serious expressions.

"We arranged a marriage for you."

"WHAT?!" I almost stood up in my seat, but I didn't.

"Stop shouting," mom told me. I stopped the urge to frown. 

"This is normal. As the heir, you have to marry someone to have the next heir," dad said. "You'll meet her tomorrow."

"Mom, Dad, I can't..." I told them.

"And why is that?"

"I...have a girlfriend..."

. . .

Mangle's P.O.V.

I stared at Springtrap before gathering up the courage to speak.

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