Chapter 24: Possibilities

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Mangle's P.O.V.

I stared at the words in front of the cover of the notebook that looked like my hand writing when I was younger. Looks like I don't need to ask Bonbon anymore.

I slowly opened the cover to see the first page.

The writings on the upper left of the first page shocked me. 

I stared at it for a while.

The date was written from after I lost my memories in my childhood.

What now?

. . .

Bonbon's P.O.V.

I looked at Mangle's eyes noticing that she was in a daze. What actually happened to make her have that kind of gloomy look and not talk the whole morning?

She looked like she was thinking about something for a very...very long time.

"Mangle? Are you alright?" 

Having no response, I stared at her and walked in front of her desk to look at the front of her face. 

"Hello? Earth to Mangle?" I tried to say while waving my hands up and down as my palm faced the front of her face. 

"What's up with her?" Foxy asked as he saw Mangle sitting and staring in space far ahead. I stood up.

"I don't know. She's been like that since morning classes began," I said glancing back and forth at the two.

I saw Foxy stared at her. For a really long time.

I watched his every movement but he just stood there.

After a few seconds of waiting, Foxy knelt in front of Mangle's desk, staring at her face.

"Hey...idiotic woman," he whispered to her which I heard. But still, no response from Mangle as she just stared at nothing.

Normally, like what Foxy told me, she'll shout and tell him to shut up whenever Foxy called her 'Idiot' in the past.

"Hey! Uselessdumbchildishuglyfatgirlsittingonherchair!" Foxy shouted. (Translation: useless dumb childish ugly fat girl sitting on her chair)

Foxy spoke too fast that I'm almost proud of myself I understood it.

Mangle didn't budge.

Seriously? What is Mangle thinking?

"This is impossible. She's already dumb. Lord, why make her lower?" Foxy asked himself. I clenched my fist. Foxy never changes....

"So, what are you going to do now?" I asked Foxy. He stared at me.

"Just leave her here," he told me.

"Leave her?! We can't jus-"

"Nah.I'm kidding," he told me. I sighed.

"So, any ideas on how to make her move?" I asked.

Foxy shook his head no.

"Well, I'm going to call Bonnie. Maybe that smart freak could do something we wont expect him to think about," I told Foxy and he nodded.

"Keep an eye on her, okay?" I told him before I left the room.

. . .

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