Chapter 16: Regret

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Foxy's P.O.V.

On the night after the celebration for our recognition, I kept on thinking about Mangle. What did she mean when she said those words? What was she trying to tell me? Why did she...cry?

I know I won't solve anything  if I just kept on thinking. I need to ask her what was wrong when I told her I like Chica.

I tried recalling what I did back then.


"Hey Foxy..." Chica sat down with me in one of the tables as I just watched my other classmates dancing to the music.

"Hi," I greeted her.

"So, congratulations on being first," she told me.

I smiled at her. "Congratulations in being third, Chica."

She nudged closer to me. "You know what Foxy...I kinda like you."

This didn't surprise me at all. From the way she acted for all the past months of in 1st year in high school, it was clear she was flirting with both Bonnie and I.

"So?" I asked her.

She pulled back a face.

"I'm pretty. I'm smart. I'm not childish. I'm the total opposite of the girl you hate!"

I frowned at her. "The girl I hate? Who are you referring to?"

"Never mind," she answered with a pout. "Foxy, Mangle and I are getting along well. That's what you told me, right? To get along with her?"

I frowned again. "I don't want you to get along with her just because I asked you to." I stood up from my seat and started to walk away. 

"I am getting along with that girl! I also think she's pretty nice! And she's fun to hang out with! I'm always looking out and taking care of her!"

Her voice stopped me from walking. I looked back and smiled at her.

"Then, that's great. Be good friends okay?"

She nodded and I walked toward the garden.

"W-what are you doing here F-foxy-senpai?!" she asked me as we pass each other on the way.

I saw her fall  making her sit on the cold hard ground. I lay my hand in front of her face. Seeing that she won't grab my hand, I grabbed her elbow and helped her up instead.


"How about you? What are you doing here?"  I asked her as I gazed at the night sky. This was too awkward.


"About what?" My curiosity perked up. What is this childish girl thinking? Sometimes, all I want is just to open her head to know what she's thinking.

"About my unconditional love..." she answered. 

I stared at her for a while but she didn't dare look at me. "For who?" I asked.

"You," she whispered.

Dug dug....

Dug dug...

Dug dug....

Complete silence. All I could hear was the beating of my heart getting faster and faster every second.

"What?" I asked her. I might have heard it wrong, right?

"For dog," she told me.

"Oh..." I said. 

Doo? I never knew she had a dog. And with a weird name too. And an unconditional love for her dog? 

I laughed mentally. She was really weird and....cute.

No topic came across my mind. Now what?

She took a seat beside me. We stared at the shining stars for about 10 minutes. I decided to break the silence.

"Chica is a nice girl, don't you think?"

"Uh..y-yeah. Did you two...dated the last few months?"

"Yeah, we did. Remember that day we took the P.E. torture? We went out that Saturday..." I told her. 

And that date wasn't worth remembering. Now that I remember, that was the day Mangle and I...what am I thinking?! Mangle's face kept popping up in my mind.

"Do you know that feeling when you see her smile, you do too?" I asked Mangle because I couldn't keep her face off of my mind.

"I don't know. Maybe," she answered.

Silence again.

"Mangle/Foxy I have to tell you something," we both say in unison. We both chuckled. "You first," she told me.

I held my hand because I don't want her gone. My face went closer to hers as I whispered in her ear.

"I like...her."

 She looked at the opposite direction. "Really? Who's 'her'?" she asked me.

"Chica..." I said as my face backed away. 

"Do you...really feel that way?" she asked.

Why was she asking me this? Of course I like Chica. I like to get along with her because she gets along with you.

"I do..." I replied.

She stood up and walked a few steps then suddenly stopped midway. 

"I wish you happiness..." she said. My eyes widen. What was she saying? 

I grabbed her wrist to stop her. Happiness?

She looked back and what I saw pained my heart. I didn't notice that I had loosened my grip on her wrist.  But...I was still confused. Why was she crying?

He had no idea about my feelings all this time.

I watched her running figure as she gets farther and farther away from me...

I felt something wet on my cheeks. I wiped it off of my face and stared at my hand. 

Water. Was it raining?

~end of flashback~

The next day...


. . .

I'm back!!! No...the updating is back! This is a glimpse to Foxy's point of view. Feel free to comment what you think about him. Thanks for the reads, votes and comments! With you guys, I'll never lose my determination to write this late at night!

Love love <3


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