Chapter 23: Mangled

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Mangle's P.O.V.

Whatever is happening, I can only hear the ticking of the clock every second. 


I almost stumbled from my seat as I heard the bell ring and watched as my other classmates stood up for lunch break.

"Whoo! I'm so glad that was over!" I told Bonbon as I also stood up.

"Yeah. I almost thought that this class wasn't going to end," she replied. I glanced to the other side and saw that Foxy stood up from his seat and walked over to the door with Bonnie walking behind him.

"Hmm...those two really became close," I heard Bonbon.

"Weren't they close before?" I asked her. Bonbon looked away and rubbed her hand at the back of her head.

"Not exactly. Well, I think the reason they are close right now is because of that. Now that I think about it, maybe it was because of you," she told me.


"Ah, nothing," she told me. "Let's have lunch."

We went to the rooftop and ate our lunch, gazing at the dark sky.

"Is it going to rain, today?" I asked Bonbon.

"I don't know. The news said it probably wont," she told me.

I looked up at the sky again. It really was going to rain.

Classes resumed and all I did was look at Foxy. My memories, it lacked something. I only know one thing for sure. Foxy wants me to forget that memory.  But I had a feeling it was very important. What happened back then?

Only Foxy would know. But I don't have the courage to ask him about it. Was it just me thinking it was important? If he wants me to forget it that badly, then maybe it wasn't that important?

But, the pained expression he had when he told me about it, it was the first time I saw it. It was the first time he showed his real emotions.

I scratched my head.

Bummer. I'm overthinking things right now.

Speaking of the past, the doctor told me I lost my current memories. Did I perhaps, change?

The bell rang for dismissal and my thoughts were rambled in my head. 


What was I like before I regained my memories from the past?


What was Foxy like?

"Mangle? Are you listening?"


"Hey, Mangle!" I heard Bonbon's voice as I blinked.

"Uh, sorry Bon. Were you saying something?" I asked.

"You look dazed. Did something happen?" I gulped.

"Bon, can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

"Sure. What is it?"

"What..kind of things...happened in the memories I've lost?"

Bonbon's P.O.V.

I stood like a frozen statue. Right, it was Mangle. Of course she would ask. But I didn't expect she would ask me!

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