Chapter 19: Lost

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Bonbon's P.O.V.

"Who are these guys?"  Mangle asked after pointing at Bonnie and I. We both stared at her in shock. 

"What are you talking about Mangle?!" I asked her. "I'm Bonbon! Your best friend!" I said and pointed to herself. 

"I'm sorry. I don't remember you," Mangle replied as she puts her index finger under her chin, trying to figure something out. 

I fell down on my knees. I don't believe what was happening. 

"What is happening Foxy?! Someone, tell me!" I shouted as my tears started to fall down. I lowered my head. They watched me as I cried and cried. How could this happen?

I don't understand anything. How come Mangle can't remember me? Did she forget all the fun things we did together? Is our friendship not worth remembering?

I heard footsteps coming toward me. I looked up and saw Mangle sitting next to me. She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I am very sorry I can't remember you. Seeing you cry like this, I believe you were someone very special to me before. But I can't remember you right now," Mangle tells me. "Please don't cry anymore."

I cried even more. I hugged her tightly and she hugged back. After a few minutes, we both stood up as I recovered.

Wait...something's not right.

"How come you remember Foxy, Mangle?" I asked her.

She looks at me for a while. But after a few seconds, she answered.

"I actually got in an accident when I was a kid. And, I lost my memories back then. Now that I got into an accident again, I recovered those memories when I was with Foxy from the past and forgot everything else."

"Accident?" I asked her. "What kind of accident?"

I noticed Mangle's face twitched. 

"You don't have to tell me if you want," I told her and she smiled at me.

I lost the first best friend I ever had. But she came back with the different Mangle.

Foxy's P.O.V.

 A lot of time has passed and the lot of us were still standing outside and clearing things out. Bonbon and Bonnie decided to go home while the two stranger were still here. There was a moment of silence between the four of us. But after a while, Mangle decided to speak.

"Foxy," I heard a whisper so looked at Mangle. She was looking down. "Why..."

I looked down, not bearing to face her. " remembered the past," I told her.

"Why did you keep things from me?" her voice didn't sound angry. It was pained. I looked up to see her still with her head bowed down. The ground below her was wet with drops of tears.

"I'm...sorry," was the only thing I could say.

"For how long did you want to keep this from me?" she asked as she looked up to face me.

"The pain was too much for you to take. It was for your sake." I told her. 

"Did you intend to make me live a life full of lies?"

No. It was for my sake, Mangle. I couldn't bear to see you crying everyday. 

I didn't answer her. "Are you now blaming me because I was the one who caused you to lose your parents and memories?"

"I'm not blaming you!" she yelled. 

"Admit it Mangle. You want to blame me. But you thought that was too selfish of you," I told her. She started to cry. 

"You couldn't accept me. Until now. You only did when you lost your memories," I continued.

"Accept you? What are you talking about?" she asked. I continued talking. 

"I knew you weren't yourself when you lost your memories. You couldn't accept me," I told her. 

"I couldn't accept you?" she asked while looking at me in the eye. 

"I told you something before you lost your memories, didn't I? Even if you didn't respond, I knew your answer," I told her.

"Huh?" she asked.

"That's right. Maybe you never even heard it. But your answer will always be the same," I told her as I turn my back. "Now, what are you going to do?"

I lost her...again.

Mangle's P.O.V.

"I told you something before you lost your memories, didn't I? Even if you didn't respond, I knew your answer." 

"Huh?" I asked him, completely confused.

"That's right. Maybe you never even heard it. But your answer will always be the same."

What did he mean about that?

He told me something? Before I lost my memories? Something...important? I had no idea what he was talking about. Perhaps I haven't recovered all my memories form the past? Maybe...something was missing?

I watched as he turns his back from me.

"Now, what are you going to do?"

His words keep on repeating inside my head.

"I...will continue to live," I answered. Foxy stops walking away and turns to face me.

"Now that you remember the past, you only remembered the past me. Please forget everything I told you in the past because...I changed. You changed. You have nothing to do with me anymore," Foxy says as he turns his back and walks away.

Before he completely disappears, I mustered my courage to speak. "I will."

Even if I have the feeling that maybe I can't.

. . .

Okay. Here's a new chapter! I was actually amazed by the number of people telling I was good in making stories. Thanks everyone! You know who you are! I honestly thought I was horrible. Still, thanks for the support! Agent_Sly, this chapter is dedicated to you!

Love love <3


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