Chapter 1: Hurt

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Ashfur's POV

The sun was setting above like a big yellow disk the Twolegs play with and the grass felt warm under my paws, the wind softly brushed my pelt and I sat with my back hunched over in mental pain looking at my mate's emerald eyes as my best friend Brambleclaw stood by her flickering his tail.

"Squirrelflight." I choaked, "I still love you." Her facial expression stayed solid at my words not even a fracture in her face.

"Ashfur," She turned to meet Brambleclaw's glowing amber eyes, "I'm in love with Brambleclaw now." Brambleclaw grazed his tail underneath her flank. The furs on my pelt pricked up and I felt a growl building up in my throat.

"Just like that! You just get rid of me?!" I exclaimed, "Like ...I'm...I'm a fox?"

Squirrelflight's ears pricked and she turned towards me. "No, Ashfur it isn't like that."

"It sure sounds like it!" I hissed and she sighed.

"I don't love you Ashfur."

Those words felt like claws digging into my pelt. "After everything," I paused to sniffle. "I did f-for you. After all the time we spent together..."

She blinked free of any emotion, "And that made me realize that I love Brambleclaw."

"I thought we were going to be together!" I cried. "I wanted to father kits with you!"

"Ashfur, I'm sorry. I just don't love you anymore." She said blankly causing me to hiss.

"Anymore?" My tail swang side to side in irritation. She cleared her throat, "I'm not even sure if I ever loved you." My heart might as well be thrown in a river of white rapids at that very moment.

"Love? We shared the same nest was that in all of Starclan's sake not good enough for you!?" I stood up and looked as my vision of Brambleclaw morphed from a Warrior, and friend, to a figure of bitter, disgusting mice droppings.

"Yes, but now I share one with Brambleclaw." She paused looking back at him. "He's my mate."

"I'm supposed to be you're mate," I growled. "I can't believe you would do this to me!"

"It is just how I feel." She spoke dimly, refusing to make eye contact with me...

'Avoiding me like I'm green cough... Coward.' My claws drove into the soft dark soil uprooting the grass.

"Coward!" I wailed towards Squirrelflight, causing her to back away from me and take shelter behind Brambleclaw. I closed my eyes and felt a light pressure on my shoulder. The tears just dripped out of my shut light misty eyes.

"Don't take it so hard." A voice coaxed, "I'll take good care of her."

I opened my eyes and saw Brambleclaw's paw on my shoulder. I swatted at his paw, "Don't touch me!" I hissed, "This is all you're fault!"

"I'm sorry, but that's just how she feels." Brambleclaw purred. "I'm her mate now." He rubbed his cheek against hers.

"What kind of a friend are you?!" I hissed at Brambleclaw who just put his paw up to his chin.

"How could you steal Squirrelflight from me!?"

"Squirrelflight, my sweet carnation." Brambleclaw called to her and she quickly responded.

"Yes?" Brambleclaw pointed to the nests with his tail. "I'm just going to speak privately to Ashfur, so go sleep, I'll be in there shortly."

"Ok." She padded happily along to the warrior's den and disappeared under the thisile.

"You stole her!" I snapped. "Why would you do this to me Brambleclaw?"

"Oh, it was easy." He began to groom himself with his paw, "You are so gullible Ashfur."

I paused to think about what he just said, "Gullible?"Brambleclaw laughed heartily at my response.

"Mouse brain!" He cheered as his eyes glinted against the surviving light of the sun. "I was never you're friend!"

"What?" My voice was edged with confusion. Causing the tabby to speak with his teeth bared, "I never liked you..." He grew a paw print closer to me and another and another. "You really think that we were like kin?"

I started to skid my paws back every time he got closer to me.

"I don't understand!" My voice lashed. "You're not making any sense!"

"Oh, Ashfur so much to learn..." He came so close that my paws tripped when trying to scoot away from him and I fell harshly on my back.

Brambleclaw stood over me in amusement, "I may not be like my father or my brother, but that doesn't mean that I can't manipulate cats."

He unshived his claws and placed his paw right on my chest. "I used you Ashfur. Now that I have Squirrelflight, there is no longer a need for you."

"You're going to kill me!?" I struggled to sit up against his heavy paw on my chest.

"Kill you?" He laughed, "I'm not my father, but by the time this is over you will wish that I was." He took his paw off of my chest and I sprung up on all four paws.

"You..."I was lost for words, he could of had killed me on the spot, but he didn't.

"You see Ashfur," He circled around me triumphantly slipping his tail under my chin one time around and stopped. "with limited females in our clan; I couldn't be caught without a mate, so I thought why not steal one? I have the charming looks, the thick seductive voice, and I'm one of the best warrior's in Thunderclan."

"You fox heart!" I hissed again and he walked towards the warrior's den away from me.

"I will father Squirrelflight's kits." He whispered and then snickered.

I looked at my paws that were dusty from the dirt. 'There was no point in staying. Everything is lost my mate, my friend, and my pride.'

I couldn't stand seeing Brambleclaw every morning forcing me to swallow my pain. I looked towards the thick oak trees, "I have no place here..." Turning I looked back at my camp.

"Goodbye Thunderclan..." My eyes were fogged by tears and the wind called my name weaving through the stocks of tall trees. "I Ashfur I'm not a warrior anymore, but a clanless outcast." I whispered and dashed into the Forrest away from Thunderclan. I did not know where I'll end up, but I just have to keep going. Low branches from trees scratched my pelt, and the dried leaves crunched below me.

Chapter End

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