Chapter 7: Silent Blue

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Scourge's POV

I looked straight ahead down the path of the alley that was most familiar to me, daring not to look back at the grey speckled male. We walked in silence for about six minutes or so, and then the silence was sliced by a tongue. My pelt then flinched at the break of silence.

"So," Ashfur mew from behind made my stomach twist in knots. "Where are we going?" If any other cat asked me this I would respond in a tone that would split ice but coming from this forrest cat. I feel that every curt comment was stripped from mind, making it feel less stressed.

'This is a strange feeling and I don't like it! ' My mind ached. 'I don't like feelings in general.' I closed my eyes trying to shut Ashfur out, but I could hear his heavy paw steps padding after my lighter, swifter ones. It is hard not to think about him when you can hear his paw steps, which told me his pinpoint location out of my line of sight.

I was pleased that Ashfur didn't give me any difficulty and just followed. If he did put up a scramble with me, then I would not hesitate to joyfully pounce on him pinning his paws and thus disarming him.

Ashfur's POV

Scourge never answered my question, or he was refusing to, which I found to be not just offensive, but unsettling in the gulf of stillness unaccompanied by not even a sliver of speech. You would think if any clan cat captured an cat from the opposing side to plow through  their own territory roaring about the success of the new prisoner for all to hear while walking close behind the other cat's tail, but Scourge did the exact opposite. He had let me walk behind him instead of him pushing me along from behind. His eyes just were set on the what was in the distance like nothing else mattered. Something else I noticed was his tail was slumped down as if his tail was purposely brushing away all of the bothersome sharp little teeth shaped pebbles that were in the path, which made it easier on my sore paws.

'I could run for it if I really wanted to,' I thought carefully to myself. "But I'm much to curious to even try.' I was to interested to find out what he wanted from me to leave.

His paws did not march triumphantly in over saturated pride to our destination as expected, but kept his paw prints low to the ground so no one would know of his presence. It was like he didn't even know I was there and it was like he thought that I was invisible or something. 

"You don't talk much do you?" I inquired with a tone clear of fear and replaced with a childish curiosity.

His pelt jittered like he had flees, calmed his pace, and nonchalantly curved his neck to look behind his shoulder. "Quiet." His mew skewed and rounded the pointy edge of animosity he once attired before in great strength, making him sound indifferent. He then quickened his pace, leaving me dumbfounded.

'I was kinda expecting a viscous hiss to be vinegary thrown in my direction by the smaller frisky male, but he was  peculiarly docile. ' I was abashed by my own thoughts, which forced me to

'In all the stories I heard about Scourge they describe him as a horrible pestilence driven monster.' My thoughts circled around and around.

'It never described him doing things like this, or let alone being passive toward any cat , but that still didn't meant that I don't believe he is putting up an act, but still his behavior differed dramatically from what the stories told about him.'  I realized that that Scourge was far, far in front of me and I didn't want to get left behind especially in a place like BloodClan, so went in for sprint to catch up to Scourge.

I struggled keep up with his fast paced paws with my injuries gifted to me by Tigerstar's painful generosity. The cuts and bruises are really not that bad, so I wasn't going to be a whiny kit about it, but it still stung, and getting forced to the ground by the cat with the ridiculous underbite.

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