Chapter 10: Seeker

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(? POV)

Here I sit perched on top of the side of a tall building. It is not the most enticing part of my duty towards BloodClan, but I'm one of Scourge's closest guards; however, I have seemed to lose him when Tigerstar showed his monstrous face sending me away in fear for my life. 

'Cowardly? Yes, but cunning.' I let the breeze shake my whiskers and sighed. 'I would protect my own life over Scourge's, because I want to one day find a mate.' And I have been already searching for one. 

I committed myself to spend most of my time 'keeping guard over the territory when Scourge is asleep, or in this case I have no idea where he went, but instead I set my eyes on the vast forest. All the forest cats looked so fine in figure, and in strength. The cats in BloodClan are not that pleasing to look at they are all disfigured in some way, but Scourge.

 'Scourge is fucking hot, but I tired and he was not interested. He is not interested in any kind of love overall.' But surprisingly enough this was for the best. Scourge might look like you can bend him to you're will, but he is pushy and stubborn. 'I need a mate that I can control.' My lips parted lightly and I could feel the chill of the night burrowing inside my teeth. 

I wet my teeth with my tongue to replace the sudden cold dryness with moist warmness. 'I have found the perfect partner far beyond the border, and he looked so cute and vulnerable.' I saw him once starring at the road one day watching the cars whizz pass, which made him retreat back into the forest. 

Determined to find this cat I ventured far out of BloodClan territory, and my senses were rushed with Thunderclan cats as well as the green leaves and the smell of the Earth. I ran up an tree to avoid detection by any other clan cat, but the one I desired and so rightfully deserved. 

Observing him from the safety of my branch; I learned much about this forest cat. 

He goes by the name of Ashfur and is usually seen with this orange she-cat named Squirrelflight, and this male cat named Brambleclaw the son of Tigerstar. The thought of being this close to the son of Tigerstar made me take every precaution not to draw attention to myself. 

I learned by ease dropping of an conversation while Brambleclaw brushed Squirrelflight's cheek with his tail before leaving to the fresh-kill pile. My stomach rumbled thinking about it. In our territory food is scarce and we have to dig through the Twoleg's scraps that are tied in black shiny bags. Ashfur looked at Squirrelflight with discontent due to Brambleclaw's action. 

His voice was hoarse when he spoke, but the orange female assured him that she is his mate and instructed him to go to take a rest. Ashfur hesitant to leave, but did with a lingering suspicion. Squirrelflight called out to tell him that she will join him in their nest later while the other went into the warrior's den confused and hurt. 

Then Brambleclaw's ears perked up at the sight of Ashfur not being there and rushed to brush his cheek against hers and whispered in her ear how much he loved her to keep doing this in secret, and he licked her nose telling her to get rid of Ashfur so they could really be mates. Squirrelflight with no hesitation nodded her head and kissed Brambleclaw guilt free. 

 'Poor dwindling little finch.' He was more easily manipulated then I thought. 'There can only be so many birds preached on the same branch; luckily, I'm here to pluck you way from that degrading branch.' I raised my paw to the height of my shoulders and looked at it with interest. 'It's to easy.' 

I conceived a plan to capture him and forcefully bring him back to BloodClan where he would never be able to leave, but kidnapping Ashfur required me to sneak out of my territory, and Scourge needs me at my post, so I have to find a way when he is not looking, and Scourge is always looking. 'It was just luck that I didn't get caught the first time. 

Then I started to hear the clicking sound of thick claws marching their way down the ally way, so my head turned in that direction.

"Hmm..." I wanted to investigate, but I was afraid it would be Tigerstar, so I stayed planted, frozen on the edge of the building, but the paw steps sounded light and calm in their nature to belong to him.

I sniffed the, and with nostrils flaring I not only discovered that it was two cats approaching with one not to fond of walking, but a familiar scent of honeysuckle that bathed my tongue making me smile ear to ear. 

"Looks like you have come to me little finch~" I purred savoring every vibration that sang in my throat


Chapter End

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