Chapter 4: Friend or Foe?

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Ashfur's POV

I shifted uncomfortably groaning at the pain of my injuries. I clawed the ground, but the ground felt plushy. My eyelids became lighter and I found myself laying on an torn throw pillow that was covered in holes.

For some strange reason I did not feel alarmed. I should probably be praying to Star Clan right about now, but it felt like a was laying on a cloud.

"Well, well, well." Turned my head to find the voice, and found a ginger tom sitting on the lid to a dumpster. "Lookie what we have here." The ginger cat leaped off the lid skillfully and padded towards me. 

Something else that I noticed is that he wore an collar similar to Scourge's

I stood up waiting for the tom to pounce so I could dodge him. "Don't come near me you kitty pet!" I swatted my paw defensively.

"Brick." Scourge's voice echoed like a crow's call. "Stand down."

The ginger tom Brick turned away from me and snorted, "You're lucky that Scourge finds you of use."

"Of use?" I challenged, "You must all be fox brained." Brick's head turned with like a snake's at my comment.

"If it was up to me," He hissed morbidly. "you would of all ready of been dead." Brick walked until he was swallowed by the darkness of the alley.

"Ashfur," Scourge mewed. "Look up." I obeyed to find Scourge perched my box leaning over me with a vole trapped between his powerful jaws and blood stained teeth.

On instinct I swatted with a heavy paw at the BloodClan leader, which caused spit out the vole and lose his balance on the box and hit the ground.

I sprang up taking the opportunity and ran towards Scourge. "This is for Whitestorm!" I cried, but then I tripped on a rock, "Fffffffffffffffffffffffff-" Scourge laughed at my failure as I tumbled towards him.

"You amuse m-" I accidentally with my fall took Scourge with me. "Bah!" We rolled together catching the attention of multiple feline eyes shining through the darkness. Brick remerged from the darkness yelling to his leader in panic, "Scourge!"

We both hit the wall of the alley and groaned. Scourge's face did not  wrinkle in anger, but in confusion. Scourge had his chest pressed up against mine,  I could hear his heart softly beating, then I looked into icy glare and it was like I was under a spell. They where so alluring...

Scourge POV

'What is this feeling?' My tail raised as I  contently laid on top of Ashfur. 'I don't like it!' My mind growled, but my body disagreed with my mind causing me to stay still on top of the taller spotted warrior. 'Blood is all that I need.... I need nothing more.' I just felt like I was drowning trying to escape his dark blue eyes.

Chapter End

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