Chapter 13: Rain

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Scourge's POV

A plump she-cat laid relaxed against the red bumpy rock like surface with her head resting contently between her paws. She was a dark-colored cat with a snowy like muzzle.

'Minty.' I smiled at the sight of the she-cat, because she was carrying kits.

"This is the perfect place." Boulder mewed confidently with a twitch of his whiskers, causing Minty almost to brake her neck to get a look at our unexpected presence.

Her eyes beamed in astonishment at the sight of Ashfur and Boulder.

'I'll check on Minty once I've taken care of Ashfur.' I thought turning back to Boulder.

"Put him down here." Boulder insisted and I bent down leaning to the side, causing Ashfur to slide off of me and slide onto the ground on his back.

Boulder didn't even look at Ashfur.

'Was it that bad?' I wondered, then I remembered feeling a sudden chill on my back when I released him before.

'What was that?' I reached my paw over my shoulder to rub my back, and I felt something gooey.

'Is that?' I pulled my paw from my back to look at it. My paw was blood-soaked and the smell was not as welcoming as it used to be.

Instinctively, looked over my shoulder to see my jet black fur on my back besmirched in the sanguine fluid.

'Fuck, Ashfur...' My paw was shaking and my face shrouded in horror as I looked at him.

The blood continued to flow out of his cuts, creating a thin pool of blood under him.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.' I rushed to his side without thinking, stepping in the thin red pool that now soaked all my pads.

"Uhhhg..." Ashfur groaned with his eyes looking up to me in distress. "Scr-"

"Go to the gutters and bring me back balls of moss." Boulder commanded now looking blankly at Ashfur. Then he pointing his tail towards the exit.

"No." I refused with a sour tongue. "I'm not going to leave him alone with anyone, but myself..." Boulder's face turned in confusion at my words. "Well, don't just look at me like I have nine heads, leave!" His pelt jumped, but bowed his head in what looked like loyalty.

"I do not abide by you," He denounced. "my loyalty lies with the Warrior's Code, and seeing this Thunderclan warrior; I imagine my own clan mates in his condition, and that drives me with all my being to help."

"Get out." I snarled at Boulder while staring into Ashfur's blue begging eyes.

"You care the same for him the same way you cared for Bone, didn't you?" Boulder noted causing my heart to stop and my eyes closed.

'I will not listen to this! He has no place in mentioning his death...' I opened cold icy eyes slightly.

"Go!" I hissed. "Leave me alone and fetch the god damn moss!"

My own head bowed looking at ripples around my paws in the pool of blood surrounding Ashfur

'No place.'

"I'll be back in a couple minutes. Just keep him awake and don't allow him to shut his eyes." Boulder then left without saying another word.

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