Chapter 11: Light In The Darkness

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Ashfur's POV

All I see is darkness, and my paws were weightless. It felt like I was suspended in air.

'Where am I?'  I tired to turn my neck to only find it stiff and stubborn to move.

Horror showered my face, 'Am I dead?'

'Am I in Starclan?' I sniffed the blackness that consumed my vision to only sense nothing.

I tried to call for help, but none of words escaped. My lips felt glued together and my tongue was dry from not applying any moisture. I could still move my tongue, but it felt like sandpaper scratching the roof of my mouth. 

Then my nostrils flared at an sharp scent.

My nose crinkled back, ''What is that smell? It is disgusting!'  The scent of metal pricked at my taste buds.

Then my ears flattened, 'Ich!' My tongue tasted the air to get rid of the awful flavor resting on my tongue.

Suddenly a sharp pain stabbed at my body, 'GYHAHHHH!' My jaw clenched as my eyes began to water.

'What did I do to deserve this?' I closed my eyes as the pain spread throughout my body.

"You didn't do anything." An angelic voice spoke.

'Huh?' I opened my tear dampened eyes and saw a white glowing figure of a cat whom sparkled like the stars. My eyes widened at the sight as I caught it's milky white eyes.

"Nothing at all." The ghostly cat spoke that spiked familiarly.

'How can it hear me?' The figure laughed in comfort.

"I can read you're thoughts." I couldn't believe that I was hearing.

'But how?' I questioned with extreme interest.

The mystical cat padded towards me, "Not important. I've came to give you a message."

'What me? A message for me?'

"Yes." It mewed.

'You must have the wrong cat.'

"No." It's meow sounded serous.

'This has to be a joke.'

"Far from..." The figure mewed beginning to become annoyed.


"You can end all in blood or in thunder, but you must be weary of the shadows that tag behind and a great fire that will melt or boil the ice as ash flys into the air and dismiss or remain among the cry of a dangerous game."The white cat blinked contently as my face just twisted in confusion.

'What does that mean?'

"I will say nothing more." The white figure touched my nose together with it's and it began to get brighter.

I felt a presence pushing against my stomach as if it were a round rock, but this rock was radiating heat.

'Wait...' I processed, 'rocks don't radiate heat!' I opened my eyes to find Scourge carrying me and my body still swamped in pain.

I started to hear cats talking, "Why Scourge you are too kind to bring us a meal."

What?' My mussels began to tense just listening. 'Are they talking about me?'

"Too kind, too kind!" The other cackled in a high wispy tone.

"Look how muscular he is." One mewed heavily. "He may be skinny, but there is no doubt there is meat on his bones!"  All the cats laughed with the absence of Scourge.

"I bet it's juicy and soft." The fourth growled.

'Are they thinking of eating me?' Fear shook my pelt.

The fifth cat purred, "Yes, very succulent~" His voice was deep and he had a lisp, which struck fear in me.

'He sounded like a predator...' 

I felt a large paw slip it's under my stomach, and it defiantly was not Scourge's, also he never said a word...

I wanted to yell for help, but my tongue was to drained of salvia and I was extremely thirsty.

"Very nice~" The fifth continued. "Such thick fur~ Such a thin belly~" The paw moved from my stomach to right above my croch.

Not even my muscles drawled back from his paws because of the pain it would bring.

I heard Scourge hiss sharply, and the fifth cat didn't move his paw. "Come on Scourge, I was just checking for kits."

"He is a male..." Scourge growled irritably and the fifth cat scoffed.

"Ya' never know." I felt his paw go further down, which was to much for my comfort.

"Yes I do." Scourge pressed and I felt any other paw grab hold of my flank causing the pain I was feeling to rise.

"It looks feminine." The fifth cat protested.

"This is you're last warning Snipe..." Scourge growled deeply. "Get you're dirty fucking paws off him."

"And h/it is perfect to be a mate~" Snipe purred.

Scourge for some reason became less tense, "Don't be ridiculous. I-I have no interest... This is only what I have to do."

"Sooo." I felt his paw close on the area above my member. "You would not mind if I were to look after him."

'G-get him away from me!' I looked at Scourge with deep blue pain driven eyes. He twisted his head to look at me and his face was in shock, but it shortly was lost and it morphed into a flame of anger.

His neck swiveled around swiftly facing Snipe. "DON'T YOU DARE HARM HIM!" Scourge bit Snipe's arm causing the cat to yelp and quickly take his paws out from under me.

'Why would he care about me?' I was abashed at the protective edge in his voice. 'We are supposed to be enemies.' Scourge released Snipe's now bloody arm and Snipe fell defeated to the ground in pain.

Scourge pushed his way through the crowd of cats like nothing happened, licking the crimson from his teeth.

Chapter End

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