Chapter 9: Cuts

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Ashfur's POV

(Three minutes earlier)

Scourge watched Brick as he limped towards a cardboard box with no interest like he was a disgrace to his clan. I couldn't say I feel bad for Brick. He attacked me and right when I thought it was all over Scourge took down the orange tom without question.

The rush of air made me feel breathless as Brick was tackled in a swift pursuit, but reality cleared my mind when I saw what Scourge did next.

'There was so much blood...' The horrible thing was that he looked like he enjoyed it. 'I just ever seen so much blood with that attack before.' I watched as Scourge licked the blood around his teeth, dying his tongue a deep crimson red. 

'This was the cat they described in the stories... This is Scourge's image.' My tail flickered. 'It was very impressive and dare I say alluring in some strange way that I couldn't explain. I should be fearful of him, but I'm calm not trusting, but calm and dauntless.

He tilted his head up facing the stars as if he was bathing in fresh rain as the light from the moon reflected in his eyes in a round circle of lunar light. The light looked like silver cataracts blocking the appearance of his pupils. Scourge looked like he was mystical, supernatural, noble with eyes that mirrored the power of the moon.

He looked exactly like I would think the cats in StarClan would look like. The feeling keeps developing as it puts me in greater view in the eyes of Scourge. It was like ivy growing inside me, and tangling itself together in an tight knot. My stomach became numb and stiff at this feeling.  

His pelt blew in the light breeze basking in the white light that reflected onto his fur. His whiskers blown to one side my the gentle puff of clear air, then the small rush of air subsided leaving his whiskers to go back to their respected sides. He next pointed his head toward the ground at the cost of losing the extraterrestrial glow in his eyes as the faded back into an icy blue.

I stood up half way with a tiny hiss as pain flooded my tender flank.

My wounds are really bothering me now, but still I do not squeal for help.

'What cat in BloodClan would help an outsider like me?' My thoughts became foggy and I placed my left paw over my one of my wounds that burned my flank, but my paw did not aid the deep cut, rather now it made it feel like I placed acid around the tender area of skin. My teeth gritted and I swallowed back an painful yowl. 

'Show no weakness they prey on weakness.' I dropped my head, and let the muscles in my face relax. 'Scourge quickly took my side when faced with Brick, but he could just as quickly turn on me.' 

I released my wound from the touch of my paw with an painful hiss and brought my left paw to the front of my face to see my pads soaked in blood. My eyes widened and I could tell Scourge could sense it even with his back turned to me. 

'Shit!' Shock filled my entire being head to tail, and I stomped my left paw on the ground before Scourge or any other of these rouge kitty pets see it. Ignoring the pain I stood all the way up and tried not to look at my bloody paw. 

Scourge started to approach me in an curious manner and it was infectious. He didn't look like the bloodlust tyrant, but his eyes softened and his lips were content.

He ducked his head to look between my legs. I looked down at him speachless.

' What is he even doing?' My thoughts questioned and then Sconurge looked up briefly and I made it in my best interest to avoid his lifeless gaze. I looked at the trail of blood sloppily leading to where Brick was resting. 

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