Chapter 12: An Old Friend

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Scourge's POV

My tongue swiped the pinky inside of my cheeks as I continued to walk with multiple oval eyes watching from the darkness.

'I have to be more careful.' I thought diligently. 'Most of my clan finds an odd interest in Ashfur...' I looked down at Ashfur whom was swung over my back horizontally. He struggling to keep his eyes open.

Then I heard him cough and felt his stomach heave on my back with a harsh jolt, causing my tail to quickly rise up and stiffen. The coughing fit continued, so I stopped and turned to meet his gaze.

"What's wrong?" I mewed with little emotion and his eyes became red and puffy with tears.

'I don't have time for this, and if I don't do something.' I quickly glanced at our path to see how much longer we will have to travel.

'Ten more minutes...' Ashfur looked at me with begging eyes.

"You can hold on for just a little while longer, right?" I mewed and his head dropped to staring blankly at ground.

"You're not weak... Just hang in there..." Sympathy snuck it's way into my mew without my consent.

A low growl rumbled in my throat at how pathetic I probably sounded.
Ashfur's dark blue eyes sunk in terror as they became a calmer with every second.

'I don't even know why I'm helping you...' I sighed letting the pressure release from my chest. 'I could of have just let you bleed to death, but here I am.'  I turned away from Ashfur because I was beginning to feel my stomach ache.

'It just must of been something I ate...' My tail tip began to stroke his back unconsciously.

Every time I look at him I just feel out of touch, and I have an brief second of being content, but at the same time pulling me inside out.

I continued my walk pushing back that feeling. 'Ugh...'

"Fucking Tigerstar...." I hissed annoyed with my predicament. 'Why did he have to touch him?' I would have been asleep in my worn, hole ridden mattress while my clan mates gave me gifts of bones and food to prove their loyalty if it weren't for Tigerstar.

I sighed as I turned the corner to fallen leaves scattered along the path ahead, causing me to stop abruptly and look up.

' Leaf-bare comes earlier and earlier ever year.' Lifting my paw up to press down on the dried leaf. It made a satisfying cracking sound. My frown lightened.

'Ha- it sounds like breaking bones.' I forcibly put all my strength and weight onto the leaf, making it shatter into little bit-sized pieces. I then continued to walk the leaf infested path, making sure to kick up the rusty leaf fragments in the air with my back paws.

"Where are you!" A strangely familiar voice cried behind me, which caught my attention. Naturally I looked at Ashfur riding on my back, but the cry was very different from his.

'Where are you? Does he mean me? I do recognize his voice faintly, but I cannot match it with any other cat who currently live in BloodClan.' I sniffed the air and sensed nothing unordinary at first...

Then a distinct smell of pine needles caused me to swivel around and retrace my paw steps to the corner in the path that I previously went around.

'Forest cat scum...' My ears flattened and I looked intensely into the direction of the clouded darkness that the voice covered itself in.

"Tigerstar!" It called out fluttered. "Come on, I told you not to just wonder around!" 

'Of course... Who else could I expect?'

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