Chapter 8: Blood

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Scourge's POV

'Never listen!' I thought trying to keep a straight face as I watched Brick picking his front paw. His eyes were glossed in defeat and betrayal.

'He should have listened to me.' I watch Brick heave himself into a cardboard box that was on it's side. 'Just like a stubborn kit who has been swatted by the bone of its mother.'

Brick laid down in the box with a plop as the air escaped his chest. His left paw now reaching toward the tender flesh of his shoulder.
'He'll get over it.'

The thrill of sinking my teeth into his shoulder made my blood turn cold as I smiled through closed lips to impede the boiling laughter inside of me, bubbling out and flooding my tongue, tasting the reminisce of the tangy metal sweetness.

Saliva covered my tongue dissolving the crimson liquid like a great wave washing upon a shore pulling back sand with it as it retreated to the depths.

I looked behind me to see Ashfur not trembling in fear, but standing confident with his eyes fixed on me with curiosity.

'Why isn't he afraid?' I padded up to the taller male and sat looking at him with the same exact bewilderment. I bowed my head trying to look under him to see exactly how bad his wounds were and Ashfur said nothing, so I looked up. His eyes quickly moved away from mine and onto the streaks of crimson that nicely marked the pavement.

I smirked as my head dipped back to checking Ashfur's wounds. Putting my head between Ashfur's front legs, and Ashfur showed no reaction.

'Weird.' Then I smelled something sour that made my nose crinkle. I opened my mouth to let the sense bathe my tongue, but then closed it driving out from between Ashfur's front legs.

'Blood...' That was the first time that I ever thought like this about blood. I usually enjoy  smelling the blood of my enemies, but this time it just felt wrong. The blood did not smell crusty, flakey, or old like dried blood would, but like freshly torn skin with blood trickling out.

' Why would I think now of the metallic smell to be unwelcoming to me?' I thought frustrated wanting to sink my claws into the next cat that crosses my path, but I couldn't. I sat up in a straight posture once more and glared at Ashfur whom eyes have glossed over.

'Brick must have opened the wounds ripping them further across his pelt.' I thought as I watched his eyes become dull, but somehow was still standing on all fours.

I started to hear little small murmurs from behind me, making my head swing in that direction, and saw Snake who had his paws cuffed around Pounce's ear.

Chapter End
Sorry for such a short chapter... I'm not feeling well.

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