Chapter 2: The Alley Way

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Ashfur's POV

The trees where growing thin and I could see a large gulf in the trees and crossed it with ease. I then stopped at the mouth of it and panted.

"G-glad I'm not a Windclan cat." I joked trying to add humor into my tone. My paws felt the clean bright soil below me.

"Not even one pebble." I smiled, but maybe I should not be worried about pebbles getting stuck between my paw pads.

I opened my mouth and let my tongue taste the sensation of the new land surrounded by Twoleg huts. I don't like Twolegs, and I wouldn't usually come a fox length to close to him, but now it seems I have no choice.

The air smelled like smoke and soot, but it was breathable. Any cat however wouldn't be able to smell the other the oder of the Twoleg's nests where overpowering every other scent,

I gingerly made my way down to the Twoleg's territory luckily the sun is down, so the Twolegs are most likely asleep.

The grass was trimmed low to my paws, and I could not believe how short the grass lands were.

"Fox brained Twolegs." I snorted. "How. Do you hunt when the grass is not tall enough to cover you?"

A light then turned on in their nest
through a square translucent hole, and my eyes glinted with fear and I ran away.

"How did it smell me with all this dirt in the air!" I whisper shouted becoming very irritated. "This is giving my nose more trouble then Leaf-Bare!"

I stopped at a black river and panted. "Great..." I had to across it, but I didn't want to get my paws wet.

"VROOOOOM!" A Twoleg pasted riding a big metal thing with glowing eyes. I watched until it disappeared at a turn .

"How?" I skid my paw against the black river to find it solid. "Thank Starclan!" I didn't hesitate to get across that frozen river and I weaved so those Twolegs wouldn't hit me.

I looked at my paws, "Alright... Got this far... What now Ashfur." I tiredly mewed.


Another went along the black river causing me to prick my ears and pad far way from the river. "I hate Twolegs..." I hunched. "The only thing I hate more than Twolegs is kitty pets..."

I reeled back the memory of how the kitty pets came to Thunderclan to take our territory just a few moons ago. Thinking of it now just rubs me the wrong way. They called themselves 'Bloodclan' and their leader is the biggest fox heart.

I was dissolved out of my thoughts when I lifted my head. It was an alley way.

"This would be a good place to spend the night right?" I closed my mouth and swallowed hard, "Lone cats live in allies, so this is my new life by myself." I padded into the alley, and right away my paws felt the ground become colder with every paw step.

'It felt like I was walking on a frozen lake, and the closer I got to the center the more fear clawed me with every crackle the icy made below me.' I shook my head and continued down the alley, and laughed nervously, "I'm sure I'm just imagining things...."

It was unusually silent in the alley away and I felt like their were more than one dozen eyes peering at me through the mask of shadows that lined the alley.

My ears flattened and I hissed feeling my spine arch ready for an attack, but I was not given a response. This made me feel more nervous.

I held my breath to try to catch anyone breathing, but I heard nothing and gasped trying to replace the fresh air in my lungs.

It was like they slowed down their breathing to match mine exactly. I felt like I was a defenseless kit again, and how powerless I felt when I couldn't save my birth mother.

In a moment of weakness I called out, "Hello?" I licked my bottom lip, "Who's there?"

There was a flash of a brown tabby and he tackled me, digging his claws into my pelt as his heavy paws kept me in place.

"Ashfur , you're quite far from the Forrest aren't you?" Tigerstar sneered flashing his yellow hued teeth and brushing his fowl breath on me. I yelped as my blue eyes widened, pupils narrowing into slits.

"Tigerstar!" My voice was shaken by his presence. A deep growl rolled in my throat. Tigerstar responded by sinking his claws deeper into my pelt.

"You should know that this territory already belongs to a clan." He hissed with his sour breath.

"I didn't know! I didn't smell any scent lines!" I argued and Tigerstar growled, "I'm not mouse brained." He bit me hard on the ear and I cried out in pain.

"What are you doing in the city?" He demanded and I twisted under the grip of his claws on my pelt trying to unhinge myself from him. "I'm not part of Thunderclan anymore!"

"You expect me to believe that you just quit being a warrior?" He huffed narrowing his amber eyes, and I saw Brambleclaw's mocking glint in his fired eyes.

"I no longer abide by the warrior code." I hissed and Tigerstar's eyes maintained their I stated and a part of me throbbed, but I had to leave them. If I didn't; I would just have the constant mental pain, and that would drive me crazy... It was better for me to leave.

"Such a touching plea..." He paused. "But I don't believe you." I was sure that I was going to die that I was speechless.

Looks like you're precious Starclan can't save you now!" He roared with laughter as he went deeper under my pelt.

"Tigerstar." A low mew came from the end of the alley where they where boxed in. The pressure on my chest lifted slightly and the pain became less intense.

"What?" Tigerstar hissed. "I'm busy!" There was a haunting dark laugh bouncing on the walls of the alley. "Don't play with you're food..." The voice sounded oddly calm.

Tigerstar turned to look behind him and growled.

"Let him go or the deal is off." The voice spoke sharply.

"Fine..." Tigerstar got off of me and unhinged his claws from my pelt as I groaned out of pain.

"I shall see you soon again Tigerstar, but you must be leaving." He said grimly.

"I look forward to it." Tigetstar mewed and jumped on top of a trash can and onto a roof where he just vanished.

"Now..." The voice grew closer. "I must say I'm surprised to see you so far away from you're clan..." I sat up and looked around.

"I left my clan." I said exhausted and the voice continued to laugh morbidly. "So you left you're clan?" It almost sounded like he did believe me, but that laugh makes my blood go cold.

"Yes." I said plainly. "And don't repeat what I say!"

"Oh," It happily mewed. "This is going to be very amusing for me."

"Amusing?" I fearfully questioned and waited.

"I have been wanting to get my paws on a Thunderclan cat for a long time now." It taunted and I started to hear light paw prints behind me.

"Who are you!" I shouted and I looked behind me to see a black tom with an right paw that was white, stunning icy-blue eyes, and a torn left ear. He was wearing a collar studded with not only cat teeth, but dog teeth to.

"You're a kitty pet!" I spat and his slim tail lashed in irritation. 

"No, I am Scourge." He raised his white paw and batted me hard in the head. "And it looks like I have won." My vision clouded into darkness.

Chapter End

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