Chapter 6: Trust Me

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Ashfur's POV

Well, here I'm under the paw of an giant ginger dumb ass. I mean it couldn't possibly be worse for me.

Today I lost my mate, I almost died, I got captured by Scourge's kitty pets, and now I'm probably going to die.

Scourge probably wants revenge on me for assisting in Bone's death, but in a way that doesn't make sense.

'If he had wanted to kill me, why didn't he when he had the chance?' I tried to make sense of it, but nothing came together.

I wasn't afraid to be honest, if anything I was annoyed that this orange kitty pet touched me, but if I were to die. It would look like that I was killed by a fox to my clan, unless of course Scourge tells them. Then my name would be a stain on ThunderClan.

'Who heard of a cat running away from their own clan? Just ditching them in the dust?' I fiddled with my paws and Brick laid down a second forceful paw on my back, which hurt my cuts on my pelt even more and I cringed, but
remained silent.

'Did he think that I was going to run for it?' I tucked my paws at my side to show the orange moron that I wasn't going to run.

Right now I really wish I could rethink the decision of leaving the safety of my clan.

'Mouse brain!' I scolded myself, because I wasn't thinking clearly. I ran out of pain not out of reason. Their where cats that I regret leaving in my clan, and now I can't return to them. Besides if I tried to run I'm obviously outnumbered and these cats live to spill blood, so I would not want to provoke them.

My eyes switched from looking up at Brick to Scourge. He was as still as stone. His unblinking cold icy glare remained solid on Brick. He looked like he was trying to pretend that I wasn't even there.

I heard stories about Scourge when I was only an apprentice to Dustpelt in ThunderClan.

One story said that he was raised by wild dogs whom taught him to hunt and kill innocent cats for the fun of it. One says that he killed his siblings and his parents as a kit and ran into the forrest like a crazy lunatic to pamper with crazed lust for blood. Another says that he is the son of one of the cats from "The Place Of No Stars."  There are so many different stories that go around about him, but one thing we know for sure is that it all happened when he was a young kit. We know little about Scourge, because if you do meet him and you're not BloodClan, he'll kill you on the spot.

Scourge's pelt was pricked and his eyes seemed lifeless, but there was a clear healthy glow to them. His eyes darted  at me when he saw that I was starring at him.

'In a way it was kinda hard not to stare.' I thought. 'He is short, but he is an handsome looking felin- ' I then hit realization 'No! I'm not gay or bie! I love Squirrelflight! Even if she is a bitch and the biggest fox heart for leaving me to be Brambleclaw's mate.'
I turned my head away from Scourge and looked down at the ground, but I could still feel his chilling glare on me as if he was a ghost sending shivers down my spine.

'Besides he is Scourge!' My mind retorted. 'Scourge!'

"Let him go." Scourge pressed firmly and Brick and I stared at him in disbelief.

"But Scourge," Brick argued. "He needs to be punished!" Scourge took a deep breath and stood tall.

"I believe that he has been given enough of that by our friend Tigerstar." His voice edged with hate when mentioning Brambleclaw's father.

"I saw him trying to escape!" Brick exclaimed applying more pressure to his my back. "What if he tries to run again?"

"He is not going to try to get away." Scourge paused and looked at me and it was like something melted in his eyes, like the pinch of sternness that had just gripped him before disappeared from his face. "He knows better than to escape us."

"B-but Scourge!" Brick protested and the sternness gripped him once more.

"He is going to stay put!" Scourge hissed at his deputy. "If he does otherwise then you can punish him, but Ashfur is to stay under my personal watch." I felt the pressure release from my back and stood up. My nostrils flared, because I was able to breath more freely now that Brick was off of me.

'Did Scourge the bane of all cats really took my side?' I was more than confused at this point.

The orange tabby eyed me distastefully.
"Just call if he tries." Brick pressed and Scourge put his paw up examining his claws.

"No need." Scourge said plainly and Brick walked away in defeat.

'Should I thank him?' I contemplated as he walked up to me.

'No! It's probably a trap!' The rational part of my mind screamed.

"Th-thanks..." It slipped out like I had ants in my pelt and Scourge looked at me like he never expected those words to come out of my mouth. His tail pointed towards a long narrow path with a dripping gutter attached to one of the walls.

"Come." He ordered deciding to ignore my response like it was never said and not really given any other choice, I followed Scourge down the long narrow path of the alley.

Chapter End

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