Chapter 5: Bone

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Scourge's POV

"Get off of him!" Brick hissed at us, but I couldn't look away.

Then heard paws quickly approaching Ashfur and I, and a streak of a black blur tackled the glassy eyed warrior tearing him away from me. I scrambled to get up on all my paws like nothing happened and watched as Ashfur was forced to the ground on his stomach by Jumper whom was my clanmate with an usual underbite and a tattered black & white pelt.

Jumper shoved Ashfur's face to the ground with his right paw which was white. "You should know not to threaten the leader of BloodClan." He scoffed proudly applying more pressure to Ashfurs head.

"Hey!" Brick padded over to Jumper. "I had it handled!" Brick hissed annoyed with Jumper's intrusion.

"Looks like you where to late." Jumper taunted Brick while he looked at Ashfur like it was an award. "To late!" Brick growled and his ears flattened. "It is my job to protect him!"

The black and white tom laughed, "We'll I just made you're job easier. You should be thanking me." Bricks face became matted in confusion. 

"No!" The ginger tom spat in disgust, "You had no right!" This little dispute was interesting me and frankly I wanted to see if they'll fight.

"I think you're just jealous." Brick hissed watching Jumper's grin grow in response.

"Oh, and why is that so?" Jumper's mew was engulfed in hilarity causing the ginger tom to explode.

Brick made himself look big covering Jumper in his shadow. "BECAUSE SCOURGE CHOSE ME TO BE HIS NEW DEPUTY AFTER BONE'S DEATH!" Jumper's paws released Ashfur from under him. My attention darted back to Ashfur who didn't even try to get up.

' Why wasn't he fighting?' My eyes squinted. 'Smart of him to know that he couldn't escape BloodClan, but wouldn't warriors put up more than a fight?'

"Ok-ok..." Jumper's pelt was shaken and the coward hid under the dumpster.  "Coward." Brick jeered and did not hesitate to claim Ashfur by pushing a paw on his back pridefuly. "Scourge!"

"What is it Brick?" I sighed. 'I swear that cat is as jumpy as an six moon old kit.'

"I caught you're little warrior friend here!" He boasted for all the cats hiding under/in  boxes, old shattered rusty vents, the trash cans, and under the dumpster.

"Yes, I see that." I tried to remain calm and took a deep breath and started to pad away from the two.

"So?" The ginger called like a whining kit, and I turned strongly as my eyes became solid and met his mossy begging eyes.

"What do you want a cookie or something?!" I bellowed and Brick's face didn't even change at my response. I really missed Bone. At least he wouldn't expect anything after our little tasks, and irritate me if I don't shower him in complements. Bone was wild, brave, and most importantly hell, he was the most loyal cat in my clan.

I will never forget his appearance huge, muscular, battle-scared, long legs, leafy green eyes, and like Jumper he was a black & white tom.

"What's a cookie?" Brick cocked his head and Ashfur looked up because the ginger's comment.

"Exactly!" I grunted.


Chapter End

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