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I woke up............................but not in my body. I woke in a chair next to myself. I think they've just gotten done operating on me. I have a black eye and a sewn up wound. I wonder where everybody at.

*Katie's POV*

We've been sitting in the waiting room for 2 hours. I've been crying my eyes out. I really don't wanna lose my king. His my world, my rock, my everything. I can't lose him. I need him, our child needs him. He is the love of my life. Antonio and Danielle has been trying to calm me down. But it hurts so much   that you could possibly lose someone who means so much to me. Suddenly the doctor came out of the emergency unit. 

K: is he ok? I said getting up hastily while wiping the tears from my face.

Dr: He's gonna be fine. He said smiling. The surgery was successful, but he has lost a lot of blood. So he's still weak.

K: can we go see him? I said cracking a smile. I was ecstatic that my king would be ok.

Dr: ummm sure, they're moving him to room 233. He's still sleeping, but you can head down that way.

K: yes sir. Thank you so much for saving my baby's life. I said hugging.

Dr: *chuckling* just doing my job Mrs. Poellnitz.

Hey he called me Mrs. Poellnitz. I liked that. It had a ring to it. Anyway, we headed down to room 233. I was all bubbly and happy and excited. I'd catch myself smiling and trying to skip down the hall knowing my short pregnant ass wasn't getting off the ground. But I didn't care my baby was ok. That's all that matter. Antonio and Danielle were laughing at me. They knew how happy Rico made me. We got to the room and there he was. Sleeping peacefully despite the black and the scratch on his cheek. I went over to hold his hand. I pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. I laid my head down beside him.

*Rico's POV*

I opened my eyes looking around the new room I was in. I kept my eyes low looking like I was still sleep. I seen Antonio and Danielle over by the door talking. I looked down to see Katie holding my hand while laying her head down. I smiled. My babygirl missed me.

Me: I see someone was worried about me. I said smiling and squeezing her hand.

She looked up and instantly jumped on me and hugged me tight.

K: oh my god baby you're ok! She said hugging and kissing me.

Me: oow! baby calm down I'm still weak.

K: ohh I'm sorry baby, I'm just so happy you're ok. I don't know what I would do if I lost you.

Me: aww don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

Dr: well I see someone's up. He said walking in the room. Well you're going to be fine. But you're still weak so you'll have to stay her a couple of days to gain your strength and stability back.

Me: that's ok. As long as my baby is right here by my side.

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