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Ok so the photo on the side is Hank.............

She was in her room, scared he'd come in again. She had locked her door to try to keep him out. She knew it wouldn't do any good. It was the same thing almost every night. Her mother had no idea what went on. Her new husband was abusive and did things no adult should do. She froze as the door unlocked and opened. He had an evil smirk on his face as he shut the door and walked over to her bed.

When she woke up she was sore. Like always. She had to go to school and act like nothing went on. Act sweet and kind to her “parents” then go to school. She hated her life. Her stepfather was why she was the way she was. She showered, trying to scrub his smell off her skin. By the time she got out of the shower, she scrubbed her skin raw. She hated her life. She got dressed and made sure she had everything for school. She left without eating, wanting to get away from him.

After school, she started to walk home, she let her mind wander as she thought about how much she missed her father. The cancer was aggressive and took in within a year. It was so sudden. Marilyn Holden sighed as she walked. She slipped in a puddle and landed on her ass.

“Fucker!” She hissed as she fell. Her ankle bent the wrong way which caused her to yell out.

“Oh shit, are you ok?” A man's voice asked.

“Um I think so.” She shrugged as she tried to get up. She looked up and found herself looking into a pair of blue eyes. She almost fell once she got on her feet. Her right ankle gave and the blue eyed man caught her.

“I think you twisted your ankle.” He laughed as he grabbed her book bag.

“I should just go home and rest.” She gave an uneasy laugh as he helped her walk.

“I'm Josh Ramsay. I live a block away. I'll get you fixed up then get you home.” He smiled as he helped her.

“I'm Marilyn Holden. I just don't want anyone to worry.” She said as they walked.

“What grade are you in?” He asked, helping her keep weight off her ankle.

“12. I graduate in June. I got held back a year. But I turn 19 in June too.” Marilyn smiled.

“That's cool. I just turned 20.” He smirked as they walked.

“You went to my school, didn't you?” She asked as they got to Josh's building.

As they took the elevator up, Josh told Marilyn that he had gone to her school while she was in 9th grade, but he left school for personal reasons. She left it alone as they road up. She had to admit, Josh was a nice guy. Not all pushy or creepy like some of the boys at her school.

“So what about you? What are you into?” Josh smiled as he set her on his couch.

“Um I like to read, I love music. My father use to play guitar for me. I taught myself to play. I'm not very good at it, but I still play.” She smiled as she thought of her father.

“Are your parent's divorced?” He asked as he took her Vans off and rolled up her pant leg.

“No. My father died when I was 10. My mother remarried a year later.” She stopped talking while he got up to get a first aid kit and some ice.

“You've sprained your ankle. Any siblings?” He asked as he put the ice on her ankle for a few.

“No. My mother wants another kid. She and my father were trying when he got sick.” She hated her mother for marrying her stepfather.

“How'd you lose your dad? If it's alright that I ask.” Josh said as he handed her a soda.

“He had pancreatic cancer. It took a year. Even with the chemo and radiation he didn't stand a chance. The doctors said it was an aggressive form of the cancer.” Marilyn felt a few tears fall, she brushed them away as she thought of her father's last few days.

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