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Marilyn awoke wearing nothing but a robe. She was cold and could hardly move. There was a shackel around her ankel with a large lock that connected her to a large chain. She looked around and found she was in a room with no windows. There was a toilet and a sink as well as a large window. There was a mattress against a wall and in the middel of the room there was a large thick chain bolted to the floor. She felt her heart race as she thought about what had happened. She was kiddnapped. No one knew where she was, no one knew what had happened. She thought about Josh and how she might never see him again. She stood up and walked around the room. She shook as her bare feet touched the cold concret. She took a deep breath as she tried to think about where she could be.

Claire watched Marilyn through a two way window, she had made sure that Marilyn wouldn't get away. She knew Hank would be pleased. No one would be able to find her. It would take a while for anyone to notice she was gone. She smiled as Marilyn tried to pull the chain. She made sure the door was locked as she walked away. She needed to sleep before Hank showed up. She wanted to be well rested when Hank showed up.

Nicole and Megan walked up the stairs to Marilyn and Matt's apartment to check on her. They were laughing and joking as they got to the door. As Megan knocked on the door, she heard Stark barking. She smiled as she talked to him throught the door.

"It's ok Stark. No one is gonna hurt Marilyn." She cooed at him, but he did't stop freaking out. Megan got a little worried, she looked at Nicole and she knocked again.
"Marilyn! Are you ok? It's Meg and Nicole!" Nicole called and knocked.
"We need to call that cop. Something isn't right." Megan pulled her phone out and dialed the number for Dective Ferguson. She waited for her to pick up and sighed.
"Hello?" A man answered.
"Um is Dective Ferguson there?" She had no idea who the man was who answered.
"I'm her partner, Dective Riggs. Can I help you?" He asked.
"Um I think something happened to my friend. It's been a few days since I heard from her and her dog is freaking out." Megan explained.
"What's your friend's name?" He asked.
"Marilyn Holden." She looked at Nicole and she tried the door.

"I'll be right there." He hung up and left the desk. He called Cassie and told her what was up. She told him she'd meet him at the apartment and not to touch anything.

Marilyn woke up 4 hours later too a bucket of water being thrown on her. She screamed when she felt someone grab her hair and forced her to look up.

"Oh I how I have missed you. You look well." Hank said as he forced her to look at him.
"Let me go please!!!" She begged.
"Not a chance. You're mine." He smirked, he reeked of booze and smoke.
"Where am I?" She asked, scared.
"Don't worry about it. No one is gonan find you or hear you. I can do whatever I want to you." He reached a hand inside her robe and squeezed her breast, roughly. She clawed at his arm, trying to make him stop.
"You're a sick man! Let me go!!" She screamed as he let her go and started to undress. She tried to back away, but couldn't. She didn't want him touching her. She didn't want to see his penis. She didn't want anything to do with Hank.

Megan and Nicole were sitting outside the apartment when the police showed up. They jumped when they heard the footsteps.

"Are you the woman who called?" Cassie asked.
"Yes, I'm Megan Edwards. This is Nicole Arbour. We're friends with Marilyn. We were going to take her out to lunch but there was no answer and Stark is going nuts." She explained.
"I need you to stay out of the apartment. The officers have to go in first." Cassie said as Keith nodded to the officers who found the manger of the building.
"Are you sure I'm allowed? The renter isn't here." He said, looking worried.
"I have written consent from him stating if for any reason we need to get into the apartment we can. There is an on going investigation and he is fine with us going in. Now open the door." Keith stated as they waited for Stark to charge them.

As the manager opened the door, he waited for the dog to come out. There was nothing. Cassie, Megan and nicole were instantly worried. Keith thanked the manager and have him leave as he slowly pushed the door and he gagged. Stark had been left alone, living in his own filth. The stench was horrendous. It made his eyes water and he felt sick.

"Oh god." He stepped out and nodded to Cassie.
"I need you to call Stark out." She said to Megan, she had a bad feeling.
"Stark! Come here boy! Stark!" She stood at the door and called him, he walked out slowly.

Stark looked sick and his fur was matted. Megan and Nicole were worried as he didn't really want to move once he was out of the apartment.

Cassie and Keith went inside the apartment and started to look around. They tried to hold their breath as they walked through. As Cassie walked through the apartment and she saw the furniture had been moved and there was something off about how the apartment was set up.

"Keith.....Look at the couch and the coffee table. Does that look off?" She asked as she looked at him.
"I'm not sure. Marilyn's friends might know." He said as he waved them in.
"I need to know if anything is out of place. The slitest thing." Cassie said as Megan and Nicole looked around.
"Um the coffee table isn't right. And the books aren't in the right spot." Nicole said as she looked around.
"Is there anything else?" Keith asked as he looked around.
"Where's Marilyn's stuff?" Megan didn't see Marilyn's phone, purse or the emergency bag she kept by the door.
"What's missing?" Cassie asked, taking stalk in everything that was in the apartment. It was like she was taking inventory.

As Megan explained what had been taken, Keith looked worried. Cassie looked a little worried as well. It was as if she took off. No one could explain why she left Stark. Megan took a deep breath and made a call she didn't want to make. She had sworn to Josh that if anything happened to Marilyn she would call him. She had the gut feeling that something was wrong. She looked at Nicole who looked scared and worried.

"Hello?" Josh sounded shocked as he answered his phone.
"Josh, you may have to come home early." Megan tried to stay calm as she spoke.
"What's up?" He sounded a little worried as heard her voice waiver.

Marilyn awoke sore and bleeding. She had no idea what happened, all she knew was she passed out. Her robe was left open, exposing her body. She saw where the blood was coming from and felt horrible. She quickly covered up and curled into a ball. She cried out in pain when she tucked her feet under.

"Get up! You need to clean up and eat." She heard Claire's voice and she cried harder.
"Fuck off!!" She cried out as she threw a random rock at the mirror.
"Now now, you need to be nicer. If you can't be nice......I'll have to drug you again. Hank doesn't want that. You have to be luicid for him." She laughed as she walked in with a tray of food.
"Get the fuck away from me." Marilyn felt so horrible. She wanted Josh.

Claire left the try on the floor and went to go see Hank. She was due for some fun. She knew what Hank wanted. She knew Hank wanted to kill Marilyn for fingering him. He wanted her to suffer. It was horrible, but Claire didn't care. She wanted to be with Hank. If that meant waiting around for him to get what he wanted, then so be in. She wanted him. She wanted to be his only one.

Marilyn looked at the food on the tray. Chicken breast, potaoes and green beans. She felt her stomach growl at the thought of food. She had no idea how long it had been since she ate. She had no idea when she would eat again. She very slowly began to eat. She just wanted her dog, boyfriend and to go home. That was it. She didn't care about anything else.

It was hard to think about where Marilyn could be. Cassie Furguson was worried. She should have checked in with her. She should have made sure she was ok. She had no idea where to start. She was sure she hadn't run off. She loved Josh and her friends. She loved her dog. There was no way she'd just leave it all behind. That's what it hit her. There was someone who would be able to tell her everything.

Cassie walked into the prison and asked for the warden. As she was led to his office one name kept running through her head.

"How can I help you Dective?" The warden had a warm smile, he seemed to be a nice guy.
"Nicole Kimber. I need to speak with her." She said, looking around the office.
"She's in solitary. She was in a fight. She's not allowed visitor." He explained.
"It's important. It's about her accomplice. Claire Moore." She was all she said.
"I'll set it up right away." He said as he got on the phone.

Cassie was walked to a private room and asked to wait. It took 45 minuets for the guards to bring Nicole in. When she walked in, Cassie took notice of how horrible she looked.

"Dective, I'm shocked to see you here." She laughed.
"You have a heart. You're not like Claire. I think she's done something. I need to know where I can find her." Cassie sighed as she hoped Nicole could h elp.
"I want something in return." Nicole smirked.

Here we are! A new chapter!! Let me know what you think!

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