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 --------------------->Dr. Bella George!

Josh was outside his building when Marilyn ran up. She was a mess. Josh's anger flared once they got to his apartment. He saw the blood on her face, the bruises on her body and the small cuts on her arms he hadn't noticed before.

“What happened?” Was all he could say.

“After I got home, Hank started to hit me. It's not the first time. He threw me around the house, kicked me and called me a slut. He forced me to do things that I never consented too. It's been going on for a while.” She was crying into his shirt as he held her.

That's when Josh put it all together. Why she acted so odd when anyone went to touch her, why she hated to be at home, why she was always rude to Hank and why she was scared of him. Josh held her as she cried, he knew she would have to get check out. He had to take her to the doctor.

“Lyn, I need to take you to the doctor. I wanna make sure you're ok.” He pulled way to make her look at him.

“No! Please! If anyone finds out he's going to kill me!” She cried.

“He won't get near you. How long has he been doing things to you?” He asked, not sure if he really wanted to know.

“Since I was 12.” Her tears fell harder as she told him the truth.

“Come on.” He picked her up and took her to his car. He promised her he'd stay with her for as long as they let him.

Once at the hospital, Marilyn was taken in and placed in the ER. Josh was allowed to stay with her to keep her calm.

“Hi there. I'm Dr. Bella George. What happened?” A tall woman with brown hair asked.

“Um my step father beat me and he did other things.” She clung to Josh's hand, fearing he'd leave of she let go.

“Did this just happen?” She made a few notes and looked at the both of them.

“She sent me a text telling me she needed to see me. She had just left my place an hour or so prior to the text.” Josh rubbed Marilyn's arm as she cried.

“What caused this?” The doctor asked.

“I went to prom. After we went back to Josh's apartment and started to watch a movie. Around 2 in the morning, my step father showed up. He was pissed and drunk. I knew the only way to get him to leave was to go with him. So I did. As soon as I got in the house he beat me, threw me around the house and raped me. 3 times.” She felt so dirty, so ashamed of what Hank had been doing.

“How long has this been going on?” Dr. George asked.

“8 years. No one knows. My mom has no idea. My step father keeps her drugged so she sleeps when not at work.” Marilyn felt so exposed.

“Ms. Holden we need to do an exam, takes x rays and make sure you're alright. I have to call the police. I'm sorry. I'm going to give you a mild sedative to help you relax and to sleep for a little while.” She felt bad for Marilyn. So young and fearful. It seemed the only person she was close to was the young man next to her bed. A young woman walked up with a needle, getting things ready for Marilyn. As she put an IV in her arm, Marilyn looked to Josh.

“No men!” Marilyn said as she started to shake.

“I'll be doing the exams with a female nurse. All the techs will be woman. I promise. Mr. Ramsay, it's up to you if you want to stay with her through everything.” She gave a small smile as she went to make her calls. The nurse gave Marilyn the sedative and smiled as she walked away.

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