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--------------------->Detective Keith for those of you wondering what he looks like

Across town, Claire Moore sat in a restaurant waiting for someone. She had a black scarf on to cover her hair and big sunglasses to hide her eyes. She sipped her tea as she waited. She had told him about Marilyn. How she found her. She knew she would be rewarded. As he walked in she nodded to him. She wanted her reward. She wanted him to love her again. Love her like only he could.

“Claire, you look sexy as always.” Hank said as he sat across from her.

“I've missed you. You and that magic dick.” She smirked as she took her glasses off to reveal her green eyes.

“Such a dirty mouth. I might have to punish you.” He smirked at her.

“So I found her. She's all healed up. Not living with Josh. She lives with someone else. Not sure who, but she has a big dog. Doesn't like me much. I hate dogs. Thank god I gave that rat back to my cousin.” She shuddered.

“So she's going out?” He asked as he ordered coffee.

“First time I've seen her out. I've seen some guy walking her dog from time to time. Kind of scrawny with a mo-hawk. He'll walk to Starbucks every morning then drink his coffee then walk back.” She slid her shoe off and started to tease Hank.

“You've done amazing. Let's get out of here.” He stood up and tossed 40 to the table.

Claire practically skipped out of the restaurant as she followed Hank. She had been dying to see him for two weeks. It wasn't like she could see him that often, no thanks to Marilyn. Hank told her how Marilyn lied to the police and he was in hiding. Claire felt so bad, she offered to help clear his name. She had a few classes with Marilyn so she knew who she was.

Claire laid in the bed next to Hank, panting and smiling.

“When you find out more, call me.” He said as he got up.

“I can't keep hiding at a dog park. She needs to go other places. She's a fucking loser.” Claire hissed as she got up and got dressed.

“Well that loser is why I have to hide. I want her to recant and fix this shit!” He yelled.

“I know, I want to be able to see you in public without having to make sure there aren't cops around. You're the only one who can make me scream.” She cooed as she stopped getting dressed and walked over to him. She dropped to her knees and smiled at him as he dropped his pants.

 Marilyn woke up wrapped in Josh's arms. She didn't think anything of it until her mind raced. She tried to sit up, but wasn't able. Stark was sprawled on the floor of the bedroom, passed out. She knew nothing happened, Josh wasn't that kind of guy. He was patience with her. He wasn't going force her into sex. She took a few deep breathes then felt Josh's lips on her cheek.

"Calm down." He whispered in her ear as he stretched and laughed at her.

“I woke you..” She felt bad, he hardly slept and when he did he needed as much as he could get.

“It's ok. I know you're still working through things. It's fine.” He smiled as he got up. His sweat pants hung low on his hips as he made his way over the sleeping dog to get to the bathroom. Marilyn knew he what he wanted, it was what all men wanted. She needed to find a way past this. Josh was hot, she wanted him, but was scared. She slid out of bed and went to make breakfast. She needed to figure things out.

Josh was getting ready to go to the studio when there was a knock at the door. Stark ran to the door and started barking and growling. He wasn't about to let anyone in the apartment he didn't know. Josh moved the dog out of the way to see who it was. He was shocked to see Claire in the hall. He wondered how she knew where he lived. He shook his head as he went to let Marilyn know.

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