Chapter 20

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Josh was a mess. He felt like he was flying. When he opened his eyes everything spun. He couldn't move without feeling heavy. He was drugged. He knew he had no clothing on. He needed to move. He needed to get momentum, so he could try to stay alert. He had to get out of the house.

"Oh Joshy! It's time for food!!!!" He heard Claire's voice and wanted to throw up. He wanted to get away and get back to the woman he loved. He wanted to escape.
"Go away! I'd rather starve!!"He hissed at her.
"You're just coming down off the drugs baby. I can make it better." She cooed.
"Fuck off!!"He yelled at her through the door.
"Fine. No food for you. No water. Nothing!" She hissed.

Josh let out a heavy sigh of relief. He was safe for the moment. He wanted to get out. He wanted to try and find a way to get back to Marilyn. He wanted her back. He wanted to feel her in his arms. He wanted to lay in bed with her, not Claire. He had a thought. He grabbed his phone and saw he still had battery left. He sent a message to Mike, maybe he would get it.

Help! Being forced drugs. Not sure what drugs I am on. Help me!

Now he had to wait. By sending the message the police could track him.

Marilyn paced the apartment. She had to know he was ok. She wanted to know that Josh was ok. Mike ran in and looked around.

"Lyn! He texted. Now they can trace it. He's being forced drugs. Oh god....." Was all Mike could say. He had no words to explain how he felt. He wanted his friend back. He knew what Hank was trying to do. He wanted too lure Marilyn out.
"No no no. He can't use. He's been clean for so long." Her mind was reeling as she heard the words Mike said.
"He'll be ok. We can get him clean. We need to find him first. Come on." Mike led her out and they ran to his car. Mike raced to the police station and asked for the detective on Marilyn's case.
"What is this regarding?" The officer at the front desk asked.

"My boyfriend was kidnapped, and she said once we heard from him to come in. He texted us. We came in. Now find her before we lose him!" Marilyn shouted at the officer. She was pissed off and wanted to find Josh before something bad happened to him.

Mike and Marilyn waited in the lobby when two men walked out. They weren't the detectives that Marilyn knew.

"Marilyn, I'm Detective Hunter and this is my partner Detective Burke. We took over the case when Josh Ramsay was taken. I was told that he made contact? What did he say?" Detective Hunter asked.

"He texted me." Mike said as he handed his phone to the officer.
"Ok this was only 25 minutes ago. We might be able to get a ping on his location. Follow us." He said as he led them into the back where his desk was.

Marilyn was worried that they wouldn't be able to find him. That he may be dead by the time they did find him. She had all kinds of thoughts running through her head. She was about to cry when the detective spoke.

"Ok so our tech guys are going start trying to get his location. If the phone has no power, we can still get an idea of where his phone last pinged. You need to give us time to find him. I know this is hard, but you need to trust us. We will find him." Burke said honestly.
"Is there anything new you can tell us about who took him?" Hunter asked as he looked over the case files.
"I think it was either Hank, my step father or his girlfriend Claire that took Josh. They have been after me and have failed every time. I just want him home." She was so upset. It was hard for her to be in his apartment. He wasn't there.
"Hey Mitch we got a ping!" An officer ran in to inform one of the detectives.

Marilyn and Mike jumped up at the news. She wanted to know where he was. Mike wanted to know who took him and why.

"Where is he?" Detective Burke asked as he walked out of the room.
"A house on Crest Road." He said as Mike stood near the door.
"Wait Crest Road? That's where my mom was living." Marilyn said, walking past Mike.
"7563 Crest Road? Two story blue house? It's been foreclosed on. It's vacant." The officer explained.
"Yea that's mom's house!" She shouted, her heart jumping in her throat.
"Well if they are there, we may be able to sneak in and arrest who took him and anyone who may know anything about all of this. Just give us a little more time." Burke said as he turned to look at Marilyn.
"Just bring him back to me." She said, not wanting to meet his gaze. She wanted Josh back more then anything in the world. He was everything to be.

Josh laid on the bed, thirsty and unsure of what was going on. He was groggy and barely able to move his arms or legs. He did notice his clothing was gone. He was completely naked and had no idea why.

"Mmm Joshy it's time to play...." He heard Claire's voice and felt panicked. He had no way to fight her off or defend himself. He was at loss and was losing everything he held dear. His world was being thrown around and for what?
"Go away!" He yelled at her.
"Mmm nope! I get what I want!" She said as she walked in the room, clad in only a robe. She dropped the robe and climbed on to the bed. She would get what she wanted.
"Get off of me!" Josh cried out as she ran her hands over his naked skin.
"But you want me......your dick says so...." She cooed at him. Running a hand up and down his shaft.
"You drugged me you crazy ass cunt!" He yelled as she tried to kiss him.
"You're going to have to play nice. I would hate to mark up this sexy body or that face. Now I'm getting what I want for once!" She said as she held a 8 inch butcher knife to his throat.

Josh tried to block every sick depraved thing out. Claire finished with him and go up. She wiped her mouth and smiled him.

"Mmm just as I hoped it would be. Trust when I say you're a way better fuck then Hank ever was...." She ran her tongue up his body before she left the room. Josh could swear he felt his skin crawl as she licked him.

Marilyn and Mike were told to wait at the police station while they went to try and rescue Josh. They had no idea what they were walking into and didn't want to risk their safty. Marilyn was a wreck as she waited for word. She paced around the station as soon as they left.

Josh was in a fog as he tried to wake up. She drugged him agaun. He couldn't focus as he tried to look around. It was hard. He heard a noise and tried to say something, nothing came out. He had no idea what to do. He was stuck. It was like he was paralyzed. His limbs felt like rocks. He had no feeling.

"Is anyone in there?" He heard a voice call out. He wasn't able to say anything.
"Break the lock!" Another voice said.

Josh had no idea who was trying to get in. He hoped it was the police.

"Check that back room for the woman, Claire. If you find her arrest her on sight." A third voice said as they got the door open.
"He's in here! Get the EMTs. I'm Dective Hunter. Your girlfriend told us about you text." He explained.

Josh felt himself relax as he saw the police and the EMTS. Coming in behind was Marilyn, a officer brought her and Mike to see him. He was still on the drugs Claire gave him, but he knew Marilyn was real. She hugged him as they loaded him into the abulance.

"You're alive!" She said as she sat in the back with him.
"Barely." He croaked out as she took his hand.
"I'm just happy your here." She kissed his hand as they walked out with Claire.

She was going to the station for booking and then transfered to the main jail. It was over. It was finally over. Marilyn could breath. She and Josh could be together.

There was no one  left to cause issues or problems for them. She was finally happy.

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