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---------------------------------->That is Dr. Burke

After Marilyn found out Hank was on the run, she started to freak out more. She didn't want to leave the apartments alone. She didn't even want to walk Stark, but she had too. She'd go corner to corner. That was it. She was seeing Dr. Burke more and taking Stark with her when she went out with one of the guys. Stark was her safety net.

Marilyn sat in the office of Dr. Burke, Stark was laying at her feet and Josh was holding her hand. She had no idea what to do. Everything she worked for, all her progress was gone. She was scared to be alone for fear that Hank would show up and try to kill her. She rocked back and forth as she waited for her appointment.

“Do you want me to hang on to Stark?” Josh rubbed her hand as the secretary let them know Marilyn could go in.

“Yea. I should be ok inside.” She sighed as she kissed him then went in. She hated the idea of talking about everything. She knew Dr. Burke wasn't going to be thrilled she was around Josh so much again, but they were dating.

As she sat on the large overstuffed blue velvet couch she let her mind wander. She was 19, no job and no real hope of being normal. She was brought out of her thoughts by Dr. Burke.

“Hello Marilyn, how you doing today?” She smiled as she sat in the large red Queen Anne chair.

“I've been better. Stark and Josh are with me today. I almost didn't leave the house.” She pulled her knees up as she spoke.

“You're still staying with Josh?” She asked, not sounding happy.

“No. I live with Mike Ayley. I'm dating Josh.” She felt a little angry that Dr. Burke was so quick to jump to the wrong idea.

“Are you sure you're ready to date someone?” She asked.

“Josh doesn't press me for anything. He cares about me and wants to be with me. He knows I'm fucked up, but he doesn't care.” Marilyn was happy she had Josh in her life. She would be worse without him.

“Josh is in a band right?” Dr. Burke asked as she made notes.

“Right.” She sighed.

“What will you do if he has to go to a show not in Vancouver?” She asked.

Marilyn walked out of her appointment upset, confused and worried. She never thought about what would happen if the guys had to play shows else where. It never came up. They were almost done with their new album, she wasn't sure what they would have to do once it was done. It worried her. She would end up alone. The car ride back to the apartment was silent. She had no idea what to do. Once at the apartment, she kissed Josh and thanked him for the ride. She and Stark went inside, she had to figure out what she was going to do. And fast.

“I think she'd like the song. I mean it's a good song.” Matt smiled as Josh sang one of the new songs.

“It's not too cheesey?” He laughed, hoping that Marilyn would like it.

“Nah. It's a good song. How are you gonna have her hear it?” Ian asked, wondering what his friend had in mind.

“Why not bring her here?” Mike asked, Marilyn was in the apartment alone. One of the few times she was alone.

“She'd like that. She'd wanna bring Stark.” Josh warned.

“We love that thing.” Matt laughed as he stood up.

“Mar's been acting kind of odd.” Ian pointed out as they grabbed their things.

“That fucking Dr. Burke is a bitch. I think she needs someone else. All she does is tell Marilyn not be near me. To work on making friends. And now she told Lyn that it's not a good idea for us to date. She's not ready for it and she has to think about what might happen if I leave.” Josh really hated Dr. Burke.

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