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Marilyn sighed as she watched Josh pack. She hated the idea of Josh leaving for a month. She hated the thought of being in the apartment alone for that long. It wasn't easy for her to think about the things that could happen. Nicole and Megan offered to keep Marilyn company while Josh was gone.

“Everything will be fine. If anything happens, call me. Detective Ferguson will make sure your ok and just call me if you need to talk or get lonely or just if you want too.” He rattled at her.
“I’ll call you every day. So much you’ll want to break up with me.” She said as he took her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers.
“There is no way I would want to break up with you.” He smiled as he pulled away and looked into her eyes.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She said as she hugged him, tight.

As Josh took his things down to Mike’s car. Marilyn was standing on the street with Megan, trying not to freak out at the fact all the guys were leaving.

It was hard for her, knowing that the people who keep her grounded were leaving. As the the van pulled out Marilyn felt something in the pit of her stomach. She knew something was going to happen, something bad.

Marilyn was in the apartment, playing with Stark, loving how much he adored her. It was a quiet day after everyone left. Marilyn now had to figure out how to deal with being alone. Sure she had Stark, but there was no guarantee that he could keep anyone out. She hadn't been in that situation.

Megan and Nicole talked about how to get Marilyn to go out with them. To get her out, out of her head and out of her fear. There was no real way to do that without scaring her. So they came up with a great idea.

Marilyn was in the apartment when there was a knock at the door. She jumped as Stark ran to the door and started to bark and growl. A voice caused him to stop.

“Stark........it's alright!” Megan called through the door.
“Megan?” Marilyn called out as she walked up too the door.
“Nicole is with me. It's just us. We want to take you and Stark out. We have a fun filled day planned!” She laughed.
“Just a second. Stark get back from the door.” She slowly opened the door and saw the two woman.
“You ok?” Nicole asked as she walked in.
“Yea. Just being careful.” She shrugged as she held onto Stark.

Megan smiled as Stark tried to rush over to her and say hi. As Nicole walked into she looked a little worried by the Poodle that stood near Marilyn. It was odd having someone else in the apartment. Marilyn had only met Nicole once, but hadn't really spoken to her so she had no idea what to expect.

“So what are we doing?” Marilyn asked as she picked up the things she needed.
“We're gonna take you and Stark out. We're gonna get him groomed, a new collar and some other dog stuff.” Megan smiled.
“Really?” Marilyn was shocked that someone was willing to be nice.
“Yea. I found the perfect dog bed for Stark. I was thinking a large dog bed that had black and white Giraffe print on it would be great. And I even found and Iron Man collar and leash.” Megan smiled.
“That sounds awesome.” She smiled as she grabbed Stark's leash.
“I have no idea what you want for him. I don't think you want the normal poodle cut. It looks stupid.” Nicole offered.
“I don't think I could do that to him. I might just get a short cut.” Marilyn laughed.
“Think anything would be good since he's getting really long in the fur.” Megan laughed as they got their things, grabbed Stark and left.

Marilyn wasn't use to hanging out with women. She was always with the guys. She had no real clue how to be around them. She didn't say much or make any comments unless she was spoken too. She felt out of place, but she knew she needed to try. She had to try to be friendly and try to have a more open mind when it came too people. Not everyone was out to get her or hurt her. It was just a chance she had to take that Megan and Nicole weren't trying to help Hank.

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