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Cassie walked out of the prison and walked to her car. She got a little information and she hoped it would help. She had to find a house near a lake that had new addition added to the house. She called Keith and told him to start a search and and get warrants to get inside.

Marilyn shook as a roach crawl across the floor. She tucked herself into a ball, trying to keep warm. When she spoke up to Claire and called her a cunt, Claire took her blanket. She was cold and wanted out. She had to find a way to get out. She had to find a way to get a message out to someone to help her.

Josh and the guys rushed back to Vancouver when Megan told Josh what happened. There was no way Josh was going to be able to stay on tour or concentrate on music while she was missing. There was a great sense of fear in the pit of his stomach that had him worried. He knew what might happen. She might be dead by the time they found her. It was something that plagued him. He didn't want to tell the others what his greatest fear was, losing her forever.

As Josh walked into his apartment, he was met by Stark. Stark looked sad and depressed as he looked to see if Marilyn was there. He went back to his bed, letting out a whine and whimper.

“I know boy. I want her back too.” Josh said as he sat down next to the dog bed.

Mike and Megan were at his place, talking about what happened. He tried to make sense of how someone could have gotten past Stark. That's when Megan told him what Cassie had found.

“She said she found a tranquilizer dart under the couch. She said someone must shot Stark when they got in. It wasn't a normal dart. It had Ketamine, an animal tranquilizer. It had a high dose. She thinks that's how they took Marilyn. There were signs of a struggle. That's a good thing. She tried to get away.” She explained as he held her.
“We never should have left. We should have taken her and the dog.” Mike kept beating himself up over everything that happen. He felt horrible that something happened.

Nicole was helping Matt clean up the apartment as they talked about what happened. Nicole was in shock that she and Megan hadn't pushed for her to stay with one of them. She would have been safer.

Everyone felt guilt about what had happened. They all knew it wasn't their fault, but they felt responsible for keeping her safe. Since none of them were there the night she went missing they all felt horribly guilty for someone taking her and drugging Stark.

Josh called Cassie everyday, trying to get some kind of information on where Marilyn might be. Everyday it was the same thing. Nothing new.

Marilyn was on the mattress, naked, in pain and cold. Hank had his way with her, beat her and left her to bleed. She moved slightly, feeling pain surge through her lower body, arms and ribs. She took a slow deep breath, gasping as she did. The door opened and she flinched. Claire walked in and scoffed. She placed a tray down. There was a tiny cup with pills in it, a cup of water and some food. Claire threw a blanket at Marilyn then walked out of the room.

Then a voice filled the room.

“Take the pills. It's morphine. It'll take the pain away. You're gonna sleep for a while so make sure you eat.”

Then it went silent.

Marilyn thought about it and took the pills. She needed some kind of relief. She ate what food she could then wrapped up in the very thick blanket that was given to her. She prayed she'd have time to heal before Hank's next attack.

The next day Marilyn awoke in full bed, in a real bedroom. The windows were boarded up, but it was a bedroom. There was a table by one of the windows with a chair. A dresser that she assumed was empty and a broken mirror. She slid out of the bed and noticed she wasn't chained. She had free reign of the room. She slowly walked to the door to try the knob. Locked. She went to the other door in the room and found a full bathroom. She was shocked to think that they moved her. They were giving her a little freedom. She heard the doorknob move and she made her way back to the bed.

“I see you're awake. I told Hank it would better to get you out of that room. Don't want you getting sick. It's hard enough to get the supplies I need from the doctor without people asking questions. Don't get any ideas. You can't leave the room. It's locked from the outside. You have your own bathroom to wash in and do whatever. If you're really good we might give you a TV and a few movies to watch.” Claire said, walking over to the table and setting the tray of food she had been carrying down.
“Why is he doing this?” Marilyn asked, her voice was raspy.

“You went to the cops. This is his revenge. You pissed off the wrong the guy. He might let you go. Once he gets what wants that is.” She said as she handed Marilyn two more pills and left the room.
“What are these?” She asked before the door closed.
“Same as last night. Make sure you take a shower. There's clothing in the dresser.” She shut the door, Marilyn heard the lock click and sighed.

As she looked at her meal, she wondered If anyone knew she was missing. If anyone was trying to find her. She took the pills and ate some of the meal she was given. She took a hot shower, trying to ease in the aches in her body. Her body shook with sobs as she felt the warm water cascade over her body.

She missed Josh and her friends. She missed Stark. She wanted to be in her own bed, wrapped in Josh's arms. She sank down to the floor of the shower, crying even harder as she thought about the fact she might never get home.

She slowly got out of the shower and went to get dressed. She hated the idea of never getting out of the hell hole she was trapped in. Then it hit her. She was smart, cunning and could figure a way out. Before she went back to the bed, she noticed a gap in the boards the covered the windows. She peaked out and saw there was a house next door. It looked well taken care of and she got an idea. She would behave and see what she might be able to get. She had a plan.

Mike, Matt and Ian went to visit Josh and see how was he was. It was hard to watch his friend slip away into a deep depression over his missing girlfriend. He wanted to help Josh, he just had no idea how. So he was going to make him leave the apartment with Stark. Both had been locked up for weeks, only going out when Stark needed to be walked. It was worrying everyone.

“What do you want?” Josh snapped when he saw Mike, Matt and Ian.

kinda short. Sorry!!! But there's gonna be a huge shock in the next chapter!!!!!

Please comment and let me know what you think!!!!

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