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And here we have............Marilyn!


Marilyn's day with Josh was one she wouldn't soon forget. After they had lunch at Burger King, they headed to a studio. Marilyn was slightly nervous to meet Josh's friends. She had no idea what to expect. Josh didn't really talk about them too much. She pulled her hair back as Josh parked the car. She smiled at him as he grabbed her crutches as she worked on getting out.

“Thanks.” She smiled as they went in. She was having fun with her crutches. Moving around was a lot easier.
“So the guys are really nice. They're just a bunch of big kids.” He smiled as they walked in.
“Ok.” She took a deep breath as Josh opened the main doors and they walked the halls till they got to the right studio.
“Hey fuckers!” Josh smiled as he walked in.
“Hey man.....what's.......who's that?” One of the men asked.
“This is my friend Marilyn. Lay off.” Josh glared at his friend then smiled at Marilyn.
“Hi.” She smiled.
“Marilyn, that's Mike, Ian and Matt. Ian is a perv.” He laughed, pointing to each guy as Marilyn found a place to sit down.
“What happened? Josh dance on your foot?” Mike laughed as he eyed her ankle.
“No, I slipped and sprained it. Normally I have better balance.” She joked with him as Josh sat next to her.
“So what's up? You want us here.” Ian shrugged as he looked at Marilyn.
“We're playing The Cellar.” Josh said like it was no big deal.
“Holy fuck!!” Matt laughed as he looked at Josh.
“My dad called them, asked if they had any open spots. They said we could play 2 weeks from tomorrow!” Josh had a smirk on his face.
“We have to promote. We have to work on the new album too.” Mike reminded his friend.
“We can get it all done. Can we enjoy the fact that we have this gig? This is a top club for us. We gotta embrace it!” Josh smiled as he hugged Marilyn.
“So you have an album?” She didn't know if it was ok to ask that.
“You don't know about us?” Ian laughed, like she was suppose to know.
“Am I suppose too?” She felt nervous as the three men across from her looked at her funny.
“Guy lay off. Not everyone knows about our band.” Josh laughed.

Marilyn watched the as the 4 men laughed and joked about the up coming show. Marilyn excused herself and found her way to the restroom. Once inside she looked in the mirror and groaned. She looked so tired and worn out. She opened her book bag and pulled her brush out. She began to brush her long blonde hair and let out a sigh. She had her dad's hair and his sky blue eyes. She figured her had her mother's nose and her dad's smile. She was lost in her thoughts when her phone rang. Hank. She shoved the phone in her bag and pulled her hair back. She went back into the studio with Josh and smiled.

“So we're done?” Mike asked as he looked around.
“Yea. I'm gonna take Marilyn back home.” Josh stood up and smiled at his friends.
“It was nice meeting you all.” Marilyn smiled as she stood up.

Each of the guys walked up to hug her and she froze. Josh didn't notice but the other guys did. She was rigid as they each hugged her. She followed Josh out and they drove back to his place. As soon they walked into his apartment, her phone went off.

“I should get that.” She laughed as she put her things down and dug the phone out.
“No biggie.” He laughed as he went into his bedroom.
“Hello?” She didn't look at the caller id as she answered.
“Sweetie, Hank and I are going out. See if you can stay with Daphne tonight. It'll just be easier.” Heather told her daughter.
“Um ok mom. I have to get a hold of her first.” Marilyn hadn't really spoken to Daphne in a while.
“Ok sweetie. I love you!” Heather said as she hung up.

Marilyn just stared at her phone as she thought of what her mother had told her.

A few weeks later................

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