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here it is!!! A new chapter! I know i've been a bit slow with the updates and I am sorry. I've been real sick. This is kind of short but I like it.

Marilyn was asleep in her bed when she woke up crying out. Josh rushed to her side and held her until she calmed down.

“He's gonna find me. He's going to do this all over again!” She cried.

“No he won't. There are cops here to keep you safe and I'm here. No one is going to get in this room without my ok or Mike's.” Josh told her, holding her close. He started to sing softly, trying to get her to calm down.

If you're a heart without a home

Rebel without a cause

If you feel as though

You're always stranded on the shore

Like a thief in the night

Let me steal your heart away

Baby if for reasons, what you're looking for

I'll be yours

I'll be the raft in the tide

I'll be yours

I'll be the truth in the light

And what's more

When no one opens the door

I'll be the hope that you're looking for

Marilyn was sleeping in Josh's arms when he looked down. She was so tired. She was so scared. So worried. It made Josh worry more, he wanted to keep her safe. Make sure nothing could hurt her. He laughed to himself as he thought of what he could do.

Josh was sleep when Mike came in to see how everything was. The police were still keeping watch, changing shifts. Doctors were doing their work while nurses gave medications and changed IV bags. He was worried about Marilyn. She wasn't getting better. She was sleeping all the time and not eating. Stark kept watch when Josh was sleep, let out growls of warning until he knew who was in the room. Mike and Matt took turns taking him out for walks, making sure he was fed and getting water.

“Hey boy......” Mike laughed as he walked in and was greeted by the dog. “Making sure she's safe?”

“Hey man.....what time is it?” Josh asked as he opened his eyes and looked around.

“9 in the morning. I'm gonna take Stark out. Be right back.” He said as he clipped a leash on the dog and lead him out.

Josh got up to use the bathroom when the doctor came in.

“Good morning?” He called softly, wondering if anyone was there.

“Is it?” Josh groaned as he walked out and saw the doctor.

“I think we might be able to release Marilyn. She's getting better, aside from sleeping all the time. Maybe once she gets home she'll eat. She may need to be home to feel better. If anything happens, she can see her usual doctor. I'll give her some mild sedatives that you can take her off of once you see her moods better. It'll be normal for her to sleep. She'll be sore so she'll have some pain medicine too. She shouldn't be alone too much. There is a sleeping pill in case she can't sleep. None of the medications should be taken together.” He explained.

“Thank you for everything. Even letting the dog stay.” Josh gave a laugh as he shook the doctor's hand.

“He's a good dog. I'll have someone come remove the iv and run one more blood panel. She can get dressed once the IV is gone.” He said as he left.

Marilyn started to stir just as Mike and Stark walked in.

“Hi Mike.” Marilyn smiled as Stark leaped on to the bed.

“How are you?” He looked worried as she sighed.

“I'm ok. I want to go home. I want to feel safe.” She ran her hand over Stark's head and looked at Josh. He looked like he was about to burst.

“You get to leave today. We can get you changed once that IV comes out. The doctor thinks if you go home you might eat and feel safe. It's been a week. Everything is normal. No pregnancy no stds or things like that. They want one more blood panel and that's it. You'll have medications to be used as needed. Someone will be with you at all times. You're not allowed to be alone.” Josh said and she perked up.

“I get to leave?” She looked like she wanted to cry.

“Yea. We get to take you home.” Josh walked over to her and hugged her, kissing her cheek in the process.

Once Marilyn was at Josh's she had to take time to remember where everything was and where to put things. Stark was next to her at all times unless it was bedtime. Josh had to make sure someone was with her at all times. He knew that everyone would help out. He just had to make sure no one would be put out.

“Josh, could I maybe please get something to eat?” Josh gave her a funny look.

“You know you can. Why are you asking?” He got up and headed to the kitchen.

“Oh...sorry.” She shy away from Josh slightly.

“Lyn.... it's ok. Just take a deep breath.” He said as he walked over to her and hugged her.

“I can't get it out of my head. I am on edge all the time.” She started cry and Josh just comforted her.

“It's going to take time. It's going to take a lot of work. I'll be here every step of the way for you.” He just held her until she stopped crying.

“Can we go out to eat?” She asked, looking up at his blue eyes.

“Are you up for it? I want you to be ready.” He said, pressing his lips to hers.

“Yea. I can't live in seclusion. I'll go get changed.” She headed to the bedroom, while Josh looked for a place close by in case something happened and they needed to come back.

It was a nice meal out. As Josh worried, Marilyn was a little worried. She watched everything. She wanted to make sure she knew where everyone was and if anyone was coming in or leaving. She ate her meal which made Josh happy, but he still didn't want to risk her freaking out on someone if they moved wrong or said something that scared her.

“Thank you. For being here. For dealing with all this.” She gave a weak smile as she took a bite of her chicken.

“Lyn I love you and there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep you safe. You mean the world to me.” Josh smiled as he took her hand then kissed in. She laughed softly, she felt safe with Josh. That nothing would happen as long as he was near. She prayed that would remain true. She hated the idea of rotating people everyday. She knew it was needed, but she didn't have to like it.

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