Pietro! Pt.1

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Authors Note:
Hey guys! I've decided to add in Pietro because he is bae. So here is part 1 of Pietro's one shot thingys. Also sorry for not uploading to often, school is the death of me.
How you Meet:
You were the surgeon that took care of Pietro after he heroically saved Clint from flying bullets.
~flash back to the day WOOOEEEOOW~
You were rushing up and down the hospital with your clipboard trying to make sure all of your patients were safe. You had injured civilians coming through the building left and right faster than you could think. You tried to make sure you wrote down everyone's name that needed severe medical attention. Most of the people had minor injuries like twisted ankles and scrapes. Just as you thought you had everything under control, a brown haired man came running through the hallway holding a very bloody man. He rushed up to you with fear in his eyes. "Please help him, he's been shot and no other doctor said they could help him." The man said. The body he was holding had several bullets pierced into his chest. His shirt was drenched in blood and his face was going pale. You quickly found a hospital bed and got the brown haired man to lay the person down on it. "Can I get a name?" You asked. "My name is Clint Barton, he's Pietro Maximoff ." Clint said quickly. You wrote down the names on the clipboard and shoved it into a nurse named Denise (lol idk) and started to wheel Pietro down to a surgery room. I got into the room and injected a pain killer into the patients arm. "Good thing I'm a surgeon, otherwise your friend would be dead by now." I chuckled nervously. "Well he's not really my friend, but he's a member of the Avengers and his sister will kill you if you don't save him." The man named Clint said. "No pressure." You started doing surgery all by yourself, Clint watching the process in disgust. You removed the bullets and dressed the wounds. Good thing he wasn't shot in any vital places. He had a couple broken ribs and some internal bruises, but other than that he was pretty well off compared to what could've happened. At the end of the tiring hours, you cleaned up Pietro washing off the dried blood. Clint thanked you before heading off to tell his team the good news.
~the next day after the surgery WEEOOOEW~
You walked down to Pietro's recovery room to see him awake and talking to his sister, Wanda. "I see that sleeping beauty has awoken," you smiled as you went over to Pietro's IV. You checked your clipboard to see any recent changes in his heartbeat. "My name is Dr.(Y/L/N), I will be taking care of you for the time being." You stated. "Are you the one who saved my brother?" The sister asked. "Well I did preform surgery on him, if that's what you meant." You said. Wanda smiled and turned to her brother. "What do you have to say Pietro?" She questioned him. Pietro looked up to you and grinned. "Thank you for saving my life Mrs...?" He said. "It's Miss, but I prefer Dr. " you smirked. "Well than thank you Miss Dr.(Y/L/N), I can't wait till our next visit" he winked. His sister shot a warning glance at him, but he shrugged it off. "Okay Mr. Maximo--"you tried to say,"Please I prefer Pietro," he said. "Okay Pietro, If you need anything just call for me okay?" You said. "I would call you, but I don't seem to have your number" he said smoothly. You laughed and rolled your eyes as you walked out of the room. This was going to be fun.

His first impression of you:
Ugh am I in heaven?......Wait why is Wanda in heaven..... Never mind I'm still alive......yes Wanda I know I should be more careful, blahblahblah........finally the doctor is here.....never mind I AM in heaven, she is the sexiest doctor I've ever seen......Wanda don't look at me like that.......sly move Pietro.....She wants me.

His/Your name in your/his phone:
His name in yours: Speedy Gonzales💙🏃🏼 
Your name in his: Love Doctor😍💊❤️

His favourite feature of yours:
Your legs. Pietro loves how they look and is amazed of how smooth they can be. He loves the way they look in heels or when you wear shorts. Legs for days won't miss his gaze.

Part 2 will be coming soon!!

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