They get Embarrased

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Tony likes to get drunk, but you probably already know that. He does a lot of embarrassing things when he's drunk.  But one night stands out to you, it was the time when he decided to swing from the chandelier since his 'jam' was on at a party. "IMMMMM GOONNAAA SWIING FROM THE CHANDELIERRRR!" Tony scream-sang while getting on top of a table with a drink in hand. You watched in horror as he leaped for the chandelier and completely missed. He face-planted on the floor, landing on a cable which made the music stop. Everybody stopped and stared in silence as Tony tried to get back up. He stifled moans as he got up and faced towards you. His nose was bleeding and his drink was splattered all over his jacket. "I think we should leave," you said breaking the silence. Tony agreed while pinching his nose trying to make the bleeding stop. He may of been drunk, but you're sure he will remember this for a long time.

You had a day off work, so you decided to sleep in. You were awoken by music coming from the kitchen, and you went to go and check it out. You walked slowly down to the kitchen to see Steve jamming out to 'Party in the USA' by Miley Cyrus. " YEAAAAH it's a Party in the USA!" Steve sang off-key into a spatula, stopping once or twice to flip pancakes. You tried to hold back your laugh, but a little burst came flying out. Steve stopped the music and turned towards you, cheeks burning red. "I-I uh I though you went to work." Steve muttered. "Well today is my day off so..." You giggled. "Oh well um do you want pancakes then?" he said with an awkward chuckle. "Sure, um are you wearing my apron?" You asked. "No. Maybe. Yes." He blushed. "Okay just give me the spatula before you set the building on fire. Again." You said taking the spatula from his hand and heading over to the stove. "Oh sh--" you began to say as a single black pancake caught on fire. "SORRY!" Steve shouted over the fire alarm.

No matter how hard you try, Thor can't get embarrassed. You could put him in a tutu and lipstick and he would still rock it. Maybe he's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline. You don't know. But whatever it is, it's working.

Bruce was in the lab mixing some new weird combination of liquids again. Last time he tried to create something new, he left the building smelling like cabbage for a week. This time, Bruce was sure that he had all of the measurements right. "Hey Bruce, whaaat are you doing?" You said with a worried tone. "Just experimenting (Y/N). I promise this time it won't smell like cabbage." He said with a hopeful smile. "Okay just be careful, you don't need any more death threats from Clint," you said. Clint hates vegetables, so he was pretty angry last time. "I know, I know. I think I may have the right measurements this time." He said as he slid his glasses further up his nose. Bruce slowly poured in a black liquid, which started to react quickly with the rest of his experiment. All the liquid in the beaker turned into a black smoke and shot up from its place. There was now black smoke covering Bruce's face. He took off his glasses to reveal what Tony described as a "reverse panda". Let's just say Bruce was more than a little embarrassed.

"I bet you can't do this!" You heard a voice say from the other room. You walked in to see Tony, Clint, and Pietro all trying to do handstands. Tony was struggling hilariously so you brought out your phone and started to record the contests they were doing. You hid behind a houseplant and waited for something to happen. "This is not fair!" Tony moaned. Clint and Pietro gracefully held their handstands while Tony collapsed to the floor out of breath. "Okay okay, next challenge." Tony said out of breath. "Whoever drinks the most shot wins." Tony smirked. "Challenge accepted." Clint grinned. Pietro got a bottle of vodka from Tony's bar and some shot glasses. "Cheers!" Pietro taunted as he gave Clint and Tony their shots. Clint can usually take back shots without problem. But after a person does a headstand for a good five minutes, vodka isn't the best thing to drink after that. As soon as Clint took back the shot, he vomited chunks of orange all over Tony. "CLINT WHAT THE HELL?!" Tony yelled as he looked down onto his shirt. "I'm out!" Pietro laughed as he dashed out of the room. You burst out from behind the houseplant and laughed at what you just saw. "I got that all on video!" You said pointing to your phone. An embarrassed Clint tried to hide his face as you walked up closer to him. "Come on Clint, you don't look to well," you laugh-sighed. You walked out of the room with Clint, showing him the hilarious video. "IS ANYBODY GONNA HELP ME?!" Tony called out, "damn it."

Sometimes Bucky's arm malfunctions. You were having dinner with all of the other avengers when this happened. Bucky was reaching towards a bowl of salad with his metal arm. All of a sudden, his arm swoops right causing the salad to fly up in the air. A piece of lettuce landed in Thor's face, blinding him from his food. Thor accidentally stabbed himself in the face, causing him to freak out and fling the fork into Clint's soup. The fork plopped into the soup, splashing it all over Clint, Natasha, And Tony. "NOT MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!" Tony gasped as he reached around for a napkin. He ended up  pulling the table cloth (thinking it was a napkin) and sending rolls of bread into Steve, Bruce, and Pietro who swiftly caught it in his mouth like a dog. Everyone was silent (except a small whimpering from Tony) and looked towards Bucky. Bucky got up from the table with a tint of red on his face and left. He ran to his room and shut the door. You and Steve had to get him out from underneath his bed afterwards. (P.S. Tony is still finding pieces of carrot in his hair)

Loki gets embarrassed only from a few things: a) Whenever someone calls him out for being cute, b) Whenever he is beaten by something/someone that could be easily beaten, and c) Whenever his family tells embarrassing stories from when he was a kid. You remember one time you were hanging out with Loki outside when Sif and Thor came to see you. They ended up telling embarrassing stories about Loki. "And then Loki ran around the garden naked!" Thor said booming with laughter. "I was only an infant you oaf. I couldn't have known better." Loki sneered with his cheeks burning red. "Yes but still, it was incredibly humorous!" Sif joined in. You could tell Loki was getting rather angry and embarrassed. You were so glad when Thor and Sif finally left. "So...those were some interesting stories." You sighed. Loki was pulling up grass from the ground and bowing his head down. "Interesting? Definitely not. Embarrassing, quite so." He grumbled. You lifted his head up and smiled at him, "Well I think you would've been the most charming little boy in all of Asgard." You said. Loki raised an eyebrow and slightly chuckled, "Oh darling, I was." He smirked. "And you still are charming." You giggled. With a flick of his wrist, Loki sent the grass he pulled out from the ground into the air. It swirled around in pretty patterns before landing softly back onto the ground. "Am I?" He whispered as you both fell onto your backs, looking into the sky. "I can't tell a lie to the God of lies and trickery can I?" You smiled.

Pietro is too sneaky for his own good. Countless times he has played pranks on you, but this time you were to be the prankster. You called over Loki to help you with your prank. With some convincing and bribing with marshmallows, Loki was in. Clint and Natasha also wanted to help, so you let them in on your master plan. "Okay, so this is how everything is going to go down," you said, "First, I'm going to have Nat wait around that corner for Pietro to come. She will dump the flour onto Pietro, causing him to be blinded temporarily. Then I will come in and repeatedly throw eggs at him. This will cause Pietro to have to take a shower. Loki has put purple hair dye into the shampoo bottle, which will ruin Pietro's hair. Then when he comes out to convict someone of the dye problem, Clint will tackle him to the ground after jumping out through the vent. Afterwards I will throw glitter in his face and shout in victory as Loki ties his shoelaces together. Do I make my plan clear?" You smirked. Everyone responded with a yes and made their way to their stations. Everything turned out perfectly! Your plan had been successful and you pranked Pietro. As you threw glitter in his red face you said, "What? You didn't see that coming?"
It was a great day. (Well, not for Pietro.)

Authors note:
I'm lazy. Sorry this took so long. Anyways.....OMG 9 more days til Christmas! Yay!
unless you don't celebrate it.....oh well happy holidays! I will try to make a Christmas One-Shot special but that depends on my procrastination meter.
Thanks for reading this (0.0)

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