Bruce ~ Hold Me

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Hey guys! Nobody suggested this but I wanted to write something for Bruce today because he is such a smol bean with a sad story!
But yeah this is gonna be a little get tissues maybe? And snacks. (I recommend listening to the song I attached while reading this too ---^. )
Much love,

Hold Me
It was 5:00 pm when you received the crisis call. You picked up your phone with a nervous hand and pressed the answer button. "Hello?" You spoke, a twinge of worry escaping your lips.

Tony's voice responded to you calmly. "Hi (Y/N), we arrived back at the tower, but we have a... situation with Bruce."

"What happened? Is he alright?" You asked fearfully, Tony's sentence leaving you in suspense.

"Well, I don't know. We think we pushed him too hard on the mission, he's not talking to any of us. Frankly, we're worried for him." Tony said slowly. Your heart broke. You knew that Bruce always went into a depressed state after the other guy took over for a while. But something worse must've happened this time to make him so distant. Tony wasn't telling the whole truth. You started to become angry over the phone.

"Tony, is there anything that you're not telling me? Because Bruce never goes completely mute after stuff like this happens, unless it's horrible. Explain yourself Stark." You demanded, already walking to your car.

Tony was silent for a while, but he soon broke the silence with a frustrated sigh. "Alright, (Y/N). On the mission there was a little accident." Tony spoke with regret in his voice. "There was a school bus, filled with kids. They were driving down the wrong road at the wrong time. And well, I think you can fill in the blanks." Tony gulped, remembering the guilty event.

You stopped walking and you stood silently. Poor Bruce. Your chest felt heavy and tears began to fill your eyes. This was bad. "I'll be right over." You said as calmly as you could, hanging the phone up soon afterwards.

~~Time skip to the tower~~

You reached the tower and Tony met you at the first floor. You didn't speak to him as you were fuming with anger, sadness, and worry. He simply nodded at you and told you to follow him. He brought you to Bruce's room, the door was locked.

"He hasn't let any of us in. But we reckoned that you are probably the best person to try." Tony stated with his brow furrowed. He patted your shoulder encouragingly and left you alone outside of his door. You let out a shaky sigh and knocked three times on his door.

"Bruce? It's me. Can you open up?" You asked softly. There was nothing. You knew that he wasn't going to unlock the doors anytime soon. "Jarvis, unlock the door."

"Miss (Y/N), I'm afraid Dr. Banner has--"

"That wasn't a question, Jarvis. Open the door. Now." You said sternly to the automated voice. You were relieved as the satisfying click of the lock had opened. You gently opened the door, noticing that the whole room was dark except for the last bit of sunlight peeking through the heavily curtained windows. You closed the door behind you, and saw movement in the corner of your eye. Bruce.

In a corner of the room you saw a disheveled Bruce. He hid his head in his knees and was rocking back and forth. There were crumpled tissues scattered on the floor where he sat, still wet from his tears. You walked over to him and knelt to the ground. You reached out your hand to touch his shoulder, but he flinched away.

Bruce looked up at you, his red brimmed eyes full of sorrow. He breathed out unsteadily and another tear fell down his cheek. "You shouldn't be here." He croaked, his voice sour with sadness.

You shook you head and reached out for his hand. This time he didn't flinch away. You sat down beside him and cradled his hand within your palms. "Why not?"

"Because I'm a monster (Y/N)!" He spoke abruptly. "A monster that murders innocent children and can't remember a damn thing about it! A monster that has to deal with the fact that he's ruined 24 families, and is burdened by the cries of 48 parents who now have to bury their own children." Bruce became quiet. "A monster that can take millions of lives, but can't even take his own."

There was silence. The last sentence that he spoke repeated over and over in your mind. A monster that can take millions of lives, but can't even take his own. Your heart seemed to stop beating and your mind began racing. Not your Bruce.

You finally found the courage to speak.

"Bruce. Listen to me. You need to be strong. If not for yourself, then be strong for others. Think of the team. Think of me. God dammit Bruce, you are not a monster. It may seem hard to believe right now, and I know the last thing you want to be called is a hero. But how dare you call yourself a monster, when you've saved more lives then taken them. Bad things can happen, but that's the way things are going to be. The world is fucked up, but it needs you. The team needs you....I need you." You sobbed, placing your hands on either side of his face. "Accepting this is going to take some time. But I'm not going anywhere. I'll do anything for you."

He leaned his cheek against your hand and let out trembling breaths. "Hold me. Just hold me." He managed to say. He rested his head in the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, bringing him closer into your embrace. You could feel his hot tears dripping on your shoulder, but you didn't care. He was healing, and that was all that mattered.

The end.


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