Christmas Special

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It was a catastrophe. You thought it would be a good idea at first, but everything got out of hand. You could've easily celebrated Christmas without the avengers, but they insisted on coming. It all started when you were talking about Christmas with Tony and Clint.

~~~flash back huzzah~~~
"So what are you doing for Christmas (Y/N)?" Tony asked flirtatiously. "Stop flirting with the girl, she's out of your league Stark." Clint said casually eating a sandwich. "Says the person with the lamest ability in the Avengers." Tony snapped. Clint looked offended and choked on his sandwich a bit. "Excuse me, but I am an assassin!" Clint shouted.
"And I'm a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Try putting that on your résumé birdbrain." Tony argued.
"Okay guys, no need for a cat fight here. Let's try to get back on topic, shall we?" You say, trying to simmer the argument down. "Okay (Y/N), as I was saying; what are you going to be doing for Christmas?" Tony said.
"Well, I don't really have any plans since I used to throw a Christmas party with my family. But now I kinda live by myself and my family is half-across the world," you explain, "The only family that I have close to me, is you guys." You said referring to the team.
"Aww I think I'm gonna cry," Tony said wiping a fake tear from his eye, "I feel honoured."
"Wait, I have an idea!" Clint exclaimed, "The whole team can come to your apartment and help make an awesome party for all of us to enjoy."
"That's actually not the stupidest idea you've had," Tony said to Clint, "I can't throw a party at the tower because Pepper says it's not healthy for me apparently." Tony rolled his eyes. You thought about the idea for a while before confirming  your decision. "Sure, why not!?"
It wasn't until That night that you found out that this was a terrible idea.

~~~flash forward but not all the way becuz plot huzzah~~~
You got all of the Christmas decorations you owned and set them on your kitchen table. "Here goes nothing," you said as your doorbell rung. You went over to your door to see Tony, Clint, Natasha, and Bruce through the peephole. "Hey," you said as you opened the door. Everyone was wearing a festive sweater that had 'Merry Starkmas' sewed onto them.
"It was Tony's idea." Clint said pointing to their sweaters. "Oh come on, what's wrong with a little Christmas Spirit huh?" Tony smirked as he welcomed himself into your apartment. "Where's all the decorations?" Tony asked. The rest of you glared at the obvious pile of decorative holiday goodness on the table. "Umm, on the table?" You said blatantly.
"Oh no this won't do, I'll call for someone to pick up some more." Tony said scrambling for his phone.
"Stark it's fine, you do have to do that." You said. But he insisted, so he called for someone to drop off some more decorations later. "Okay, let's get this party started!" Stark said cheerfully. It all started out fine, everyone so far was putting up the lights and tinsel around the room. "Are the others coming?" You asked Natasha about the rest of the team. "Yeah, everyone should be coming soon except Thor. He's busy doing some godlike crap." Natasha said.
Soon the rest of the team arrived. Steve and Bucky came together, Steve wore a Santa hat while Bucky wore reindeer antlers. Pietro and Wanda came shortly after with some Christmas movies and champagne.

"Perfect, everyone's here!" Tony said as you put up the last of your decorations on the tree. "Everyone gather 'round!" Tony said while hoisting the bottle of champagne in the air. "I propose a toast to myself for thinking of this amazing idea to have a party at (Y/N)'s apartment for Christmas!" He said as he popped open the bottle. "Hey, wasn't that my idea?" Clint said as Tony passed around drinks. "Pfft no..." Tony scoffed as he shoved a drink in his hand. Somehow you ended up watching a Christmas movie on your couch with Natasha and Bruce, while Steve and Bucky started to make Christmas cookies. You had no idea what the rest of the team was doing, but you had a funny feeling. You heard your doorbell ring and you went to go and open it.
"Umph, hello?" You heard a voice say from underneath a box. "The rest of the decorations are here guys!" You heard Tony shout from the other side of the room. "Umm, here let me help." You said as you carried the box into your living room. "Peter!" You heard Tony say, "Thanks for sending all this stuff in at the last minute."
"Yeah no problem, My aunt had all these extra decorations left over so yeah." Peter said while ruffling his hair.
"So Peter, I think you know everyone here except (Y/N)." Tony smirked as he pushed him closer to you.
"Maybe you should become acquainted." He winked as he went back over to drinking with Pietro.
"Oh um, I'm Peter Parker or Spider-Man or whatever." He blushed as he shook your hand. "Well, I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you," you said, "Please, make yourself feel at home." You said. Before all hell broke loose.

"DEADPOOL IN THE HOUSEE!!" A voice came throughout the halls of your apartment complex. Suddenly a red and black figure stood in your doorway, holding a giant speaker. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Deadpool said as he pointed at you. "Wade, seriously? Who even invited you?" Tony said.
"Well I saw spidey over there carrying that huge box down the street so I followed him here!" Deadpool said while putting down the speaker.
"You can't just invite yourself to a party Wade." Peter said to him.
"Oh come on, Christmas is about giving. Have a heart Parker." He said, "You know who has a heart? I do, and it's racing because damn!" He said pointing to you. "I think all you people on Wattpad know who I'm talking about" he winked as everyone stood in confusion.
"Okay that's enough Wade, the only one allowed to flirt with (Y/N) is me!" Tony said pissed.
"We'll see about that posh spice," Deadpool winked as he put an arm over your shoulder.
"Hey hands off!" You said as he pulled you closer. All of a sudden, a Tony's fist came crashing into Deadpool's face.
"Sorry sweetie, but we're gonna have to finish this later." Wade saluted as he took an ornament from inside the box and turned on some music (which blasted from the speaker). "Showtime."
Wade threw the ornament in Tony's direction, which Tony dodged. Instead, it ended up hitting Wanda in the face, causing her to fall down. Pietro then got angry at Wade, which lead to a whole different frenzy. Pietro dashed towards Deadpool, knocking him off his feet. Deadpool rolled across the rug and crawled over the sofa that Natasha and Bruce were sitting at. He accidentally kicked Natasha in the face, which made Clint angry because no one messes with his Natasha. Clint got tinsel from the box and tried to trip Deadpool, which ended up just tripping Pietro and Tony causing them to land on top of each other. Poor Steve and Bucky couldn't hear what was going on because the music was so loud. Before you know it, decorations were flying everywhere, shattering on the floor and on the table. Everyone seemed to be joining in on the fight except for you, Bruce, and Peter. You tried to get everyone to stop, but no one could hear you because of the music. This was getting out of hand, and the clean up would take forever. Then you had an idea, just turn off the music! You got to the speaker and tried to find the off button. "Aha!" You said to yourself as you pushed a red button. The music stopped and everyone turned to look at you.
"Can everyone just get out!?" You said loudly.
"Hey guys we made the cooki--"Steve and Bucky said
"Not now" Bruce whispered to Steve, explaining what happened.
"I'm sorry (Y/N--" Pietro began to say.
"Just, please go guys." You said calmly. You went over to your door and put your hand on the handle. Just as you were about to open the door...
"DID THE GOD OF THUNDER MISS THIS JOVIAL PARTY OF THE CHRIST OF MAS?!" Thor beckoned as he forcefully opened the door, causing you to fly into the other side of the room.
"Uhh guys," Tony said, "I think she might be unconscious,"

Let's just say when you got home from the hospital, your apartment was clean and you had a bunch of apologetic gifts waiting for you. It wasn't the best Christmas, but it was an eventful one!

Authors note:
Merry Christmas everyone! Or happy holidays I don't discriminate! I hope you like that one-shot Christmas special, it took forever to write. If there are grammatical errors don't kill me.
Anyways have a great holiday!

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