Tony ~ Give Me a Chance

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Hey guys! Hope you all enjoy this one shot! I was feeling very Tony-ish today!  
I saw Doctor Strange yesterday, and OH LORD it was EFFING GLORIOUS! I'm so glad that a great actor like Benedict has joined the MCU. I think he did a perfect job for Doctor Strange! I'm not going to spoil anything about the film; but if your going to see it, remember that there are two credit scenes after the movie. You're welcome in advance 😉!

Much love,~Stéph❤️Redangel259~ _______________________________________

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Much love,

(This takes place before you are in a relationship, btw)

Give Me a Chance
You had been working for Stark Industries for quite some time now. You knew how the place worked, how the people worked, and how your boss worked. Well, if your boss worked at all. Tony Stark was a great business man and knew how to catch the publics' eye. You admired his projects and his ideas, but his determination to do real work was at an all time low. Tony would only do the 'fun stuff', as he would spend his nights building new suits and technology. Although when it came to paperwork, meetings, and business deals; he did not want to do anything. He avoided any confrontation; and if anyone disagreed with his plans for the day, he would threaten to sue them or publicly humiliate their mother. He was hard to work with, but that was why you were there.

"Alright Tony, if you don't get these papers signed I'm going to let that Chinese man down the street buy your wine cellar." You confronted as you placed the paperwork in front of Tony, who was on his computer. Tony sighed and placed his head on the table.

"Oh come on (Y/N), you know I need that wine cellar! It has a bottle of unopened 1950 Pinot Grigio from France! You know how hard it is to restrain myself from the luxury of perfectly aged wine?" He whined.

"Yes in fact, it'll be as hard as the conference you'll have to speak at tomorrow morning." You smiled as Tony groaned again.

"Why are you so mean to me (Y/N)?" Tony grumbled as he started signing the paperwork.

"I'm not, you just don't work hard enough." You returned back. As you turned to leave, Tony called out to you.

"By the way (Y/N), how did you become so beautiful?"

"About the same way you got your arrogance, it came naturally." You pivoted on your heel and walked out the door, causing a smirk rising on Tony's face.

The next couple of days Tony had slowly started to get back on track with his professionalism. Every day you would walk into his workroom, hand him the things he needed to do (with a threat for possible punishment), and then he would compliment you before you left. It had become a routine, and you were starting to really like working with him. You could say that you had a bit of a crush on him. Although, Tony wasn't really the type of guy to have a real relationship with. He was more of the 'one night stand' kind of guys. He was a womanizer. You didn't feel like getting close to him, only for him to leave you in the dirt afterwards. If only you could change his view on romance, like you did on his work ethic.

As you went into his workroom, you were surprised to see that there was a bottle of 1950 Pinot Grigio from France sitting on his desk. The bottle was next to a pile of paperwork that he had shockingly finished from last night. You heard a clinking of glasses before you saw Tony walk towards the work table. "(Y/N)! Perfect timing. I thought that we should celebrate the fact that I finished all of my work without you threatening me to do it. Plus, I wanted an excuse to open this bad boy right here," He said popping open the wine. You looked at your watch before deciding that you could stay for a drink or two.

The two of you talked about random things. Your family, former relationships, and even some embarrassing stories. You had completely lost track of time, as you were fifteen minutes late to your meeting. "Sorry Tony, but I gave to go. Can't miss this meeting." You said gathering up your clipboard and his finished paperwork.

"You never miss a meeting do you?" Tony laughed as you nodded your head and smiled.

"Thanks for the wine Tony, I guess I'll see you tomorrow with more work for you to struggle with." You said. As you were about to leave Tony called your name.

"(Y/N), wait! How about you and I head out after work, and have a couple more drinks? You know, we'll learn more about each other and all that sappy stuff." Tony smirked with confidence. You gave him an unsure look before shaking your head slowly.

"Sorry Stark, I'm not that type of girl. I would rather not be thrown into the dirt once your done with me. Plus, it will only make professional matters more awkward." You apologized, turning Tony's smirk into a frown. This had been the first time he had been rejected by someone who he really wanted to date. Tony sighed and walked over to you.

"Why are you so mean to me (Y/N)?" He said, transfixed in your eyes. You laughed softly.

"I'm not, you just don't work hard enough." You looked away feeling your heart twinge, and you opened the door to leave.

"Please, can you give me a chance? I managed to change around my work habits, so I sure as hell can fix my behaviour. If you don't like me after the first date, we can pretend that nothing ever happened. Nothing. Zilch." Tony negotiated.
You sighed to yourself. Your brain was saying no, but your heart was wanting to give him a chance. You made your decision.

"Alright, one date. I'll take your deal. But this is only because I know you'd never stop bugging me about it until I said yes." You agreed, making him smile again.

"Don't worry, I'll have you head over heels in love with me before you can say, 'your paperwork is overdue'." He winked. You rolled your eyes playfully and blew him a kiss.

"Wow Stark, so clever. You should put that on a t-shirt," you waved as you said goodbye.

That night you went out on the date with Tony. You both had a great time and had decided to meet again the next day. He gave you a present that morning too. It was a t-shirt with the phrase 'I'll have you head over heels in love before you can say 'your paperwork is due'. Your relationship blossomed from then on in!

The End

The End___________________

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P.s. Tony and I don't care about grammar or writing mistakes. I mean we do, but we are too lazy to correct them...

Much love,

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