We sat around for what seemed like hours, we were by now tired but we were all scared.
Finally Vic spoke up “Guys, she’s uncomfortable and needs to be in a bed, I’m going to the bus.” He opened the door and the sun was shining, this was great, this is what we were waiting for. Vic helped me outside, the bus was fine, and somehow the tornado didn’t touch it. I didn’t understand this, but it wasn’t important now, I needed so sleep or some comfort. He helped me on the bus and into the back, where we slept.
“Rest here babe, we’re leaving for the next venue now, and here’s the stuff you brought with you, Tony grabbed them.” He handed them to me and I took them.
“Thanks darling.” I said and he smiled, he vanished back to the front and I leaned back cuddling up to my animals.
“Guys, we may have to cut this tour short….” I heard Vic say.
“Why?” Jaime asked
“What about the fans?” Tony said.
“We can explain it to them, Meet and Greet for the last shows fans?” Vic said back to them.
“I guess that would work” Jaime said.
“Courtney is pregnant, she’s not comfortable, on tour isn’t a place for her right now.” Vic said
Mike looked up “Dude, would she want you to do this?”He asked.
Vic shook his head “Probably not”
“good, so don’t do this, she wants us to finish this tour because she knows how much we love it” Mike assured him.
I smiled stupidly to myself. ‘Mike always knew what to say and do’ I thought to myself.
It got suddenly silent up there and I sat up and I walked towards the front. The guys looked at me and I smiled.
“I got bored back there by myself” I said and Mike and Tony laughed.
“Good, join us then!” Esther said and she handed me a controller, we were going to have a Halo 4 tournament apparently because Jaime and Tony had on their serious faces, which made me laugh so hard.
We turned it on and I played, I defeated Esther with 22 kills to 7 kills.
Vic kissed my cheek and I was congratulated.
“I want to thank my brother for making me play this game so long” I said in a proud heroic manner. They laughed at me and it was my turn to play against Mike. I sadly lost.
“Ha! Obviously he didn’t teach you well enough!” Mike laughed. I pulled his hair and handed the controller to Tony. Tony defeated Mike and next was Jaime’s turn. This match went on forever, it was so close. It was always neck and neck. Finally Jaime caught Tony off guard and it was Jaime who took victor over anything else.
Now It was Tony and Vic against each other. Vic was obviously better and he won.
“Revenging my Fiancé” Vic shouted and we all laughed.
“I could have done it myself!” I said and mike messed with my hair
“Oh come on now, you would have gotten to Tony and you would have lost badly” Jaime chimed in. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.
I loved these idiots and I was having so much with them. I was wishing that we would get to the venue fast because I was dying to see my boys play. I loved being on the bus with them but I loved seeing Vic singing, I loved hearing his voice and I was just ready to sing along and listen to the amazing music.