Chapter 20 (my part)

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3rd Person

Ryan was a bit of a wreak, when he got home he started to cry his eyes out. A lot of thoughts running through his mind, he debated on whether to believe Ray and forgive him, doom Ray to hell by ending his own life, or never speaking to Ray again. Ryan ended up in his bathroom looking in a mirror with a bottle of pills in his hand.

'Am I really about to end it all right now? I mean there is a chance Ray can live, but at the cost of our friends happiness.' Ryan threw the bottle of pills into the trashcan. "Plus if i killed myself i would be purposely dooming Ray to hell with me, and I can't do that." He says the last part out loud as he opens the bathroom door.

As Ryan walked out of the bathroom he heard knocking at the door, wondering who it could be he walked over to it and opened the door to find no one. He looked around and saw a note pinned onto the wall. Surprised he grabbed the note to read it.

"Dear Ryan
I wanted to leave you this letter, note, thingy, To tell you I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you or make you fall in love with me. At first I was just trying to save my own neck, not really thinking about how you feel, well felt. I'm planning on going somewhere for about a month and a half which will leave me only a month to live before I die. I want you to tell the other Hunters I will be back just had family problems that I need to deal with. I really hope i can spend my last month alive with you, and that I am not to late to give you this note. And Ryan please don't kill yourself over me, you have so much to live for, you have amazing friends who care about you, all of your fans would miss you, and I don't want you to end up in hell like I did, Because its bad down there, is so bad it's almost like your in Mexico. (hope that makes you laugh Ry-Bread) But damn this letter is long, I'm sorry for making it so long. CRAP saying sorry is making it even longer! Anyways but ya Stay alive for your fans, not me. I am a piece of crap anyways, I mean that's why I ended up in hell the first place, I ended my own life. Well see ya Ryan, I love you.
Love Ghost Ray."

Ryan started to cry reading the note, He looked around for any signs of Ray.

"Ray if your out there please don't leave come back! I forgive you! I want to spend the time you have left with you!" Ryan yelled out his door hoping Ray would hear him. 

To his surprise Ray came around the corner with tears in his eyes.

"Do you really want me back Ryan? are you sure? I did lie to you." Ray says shaking a little as more tears rolled down his face.

"Dude I said I forgave you, now get over here so i can kiss you!" Ryan says holding his arms out for Ray. Ray walked up to him into his arms and hug him.

"I'm sorry Ryan! I really never meant to hurt you!" Ray says crying even harder into his shoulder as Ryan hugs him back.

"It's OK Ray. Now lets get inside before you get sick again." Ryan says pulling him into the house and shutting the door.

"Ryan I really do wish i could stay alive and be with you." Ray says sitting onto the couch. "But I don't want to ruin Mavin because they are so happy together."

"Ya I have been thinking about that to. I guess we just have to spend as much time together as possible." Ryan says sitting next to him and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Ya I'm OK with that Ry....." Ray says passing out into Ryan's arms.

"Ray? Ray?! RAY!" Ryan yells trying to wake him up.

Ray's P.O.V

Everything went black and I was in this weird room again. I looked around for the man I made a deal with.

 "So your going back on our deal are you now?" The Cloaked Man asked me coming from the shadows.

"Ya! My friends happiness means more to me and Ryan then my own life!" I shout back at him turning away from him.

"That's good you passed the test then." The Cloaked Man says as his voice changes to a female one. "I was hoping you would choice their happiness over yours and Ryan's own happiness." She says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see that this cloaked man was really a girl after all, and not just any girl, IT WAS RYAN'S WIFE! I jump back surprised. "What but how why when!?" I ask trying to understand what was going on.

"Well you see Ray, I knew you would make Ryan happy and end up with him, but I need to find a way to keep you alive with him. So I made a deal with the person upstairs, not god, and he said 'If Ray can prove that he cares more about others then himself then we will grant him his life back.' So that's why i brought you back here and made that deal with you." She says smiling brightly at me. "You make my Ryan so happy, please make sure he always has that smile on him." She says disappearing into the shadows, which start to light up.

I wake up in Ryan's arms as he is shaking me and yelling my name.

"What Ry-Bread? I just feel asleep." I say jokingly as he looks down at me looking me in the eyes and smiles at me.

"I'm so glad your OK Ray! I don't know what I would...." He stops himself mid sentence feeling my arms and forehead. "Weird your not as cold as you use to be, Plus I can slightly hear your heart beat."

"Oh I guess it would that fast then." I say smiling and giving Ryan a good long kiss feeling his lips against my fresh new alive lips. It was wonderful! As they say in those cheesy romance movies I felt sparks fly.

After the kiss i explained to Ryan everything that happened when I blacked out. He looked confused for a minute then looked up in the sky smiled then looked at me with the same smile.

"I believe every word you just said, and I'm glad your alive again." He says kissing me again.

I was finally happy with my life. I finally had someone who I loved and that loved me. I had a family that cared about me and I cared about them. And the best of all after 2 years of me and Ryan dating we got married, about 5 months after that I asked a close friend if she would bear a child for me and Ryan, she said yes. 9 months after that me and Ryan had our beautiful Daughter Rebecca Laurie Haywood. About 2 years after that we ended up getting our handsome son Raymond James Haywood. We were happy with our family and how our jobs were going. 

Michael and Gavin also got married but about a year after us. They ended up with 2 Daughters, I don't remember their names. 

Geoff and Jack also we're happy, They agreed on not getting married and Griffon is find with them living in the same out with her and they still have Millie who is growing up so fast. 

Lindsay ended up getting fired about a month after she cheated on Michael, Now she is working in a fast food place trying to make enough to support herself.

Work as been great, Me and Michael host a podcast together called OffTopic. Ryan is host a show called FreePlay with this new girl Meg. Me and Ryan also do this thing called streaming when ever we have nothing to do a work. I think life is going to work out just fine with no worries for a while. 

THE END(for now maybe!?)

~A/N OMG I finally uploaded this! and ENDED IT! I understand if this was a bit of a cheesy ending, but i tried to make it sad and evil. Did not turn out that way. Yes i changed a lot of things up like leaving Ray at RoosterTeeth. But hey leave me alone ok! I am still not over him leaving. But ya I ended it, I think it turned out fine! plus its the longest chapter! I hope you guys enjoy KEEP ON HUNTING!

My Angel (RnRconnection + Mavin) Collab with (epichatt) Gab_The_GreatWhere stories live. Discover now